a fountain of blood in the shape of a girl

Oct 05, 2009 10:28

Apparently the graphics on my layout have exhausted their bandwidth? I don't even have a photobucket account, so I have no idea what's up with that, or how to fix it (i.e., what the URL is in the layout code to change). I suppose I will start looking at new layouts when I get home tonight. Or sooner, if it really starts to bug me.


I am having a hard time getting motivated. I spent so much time and energy getting ready for all the meetings that now I have to go back and pick up all the stuff I pushed to the side and I'm like, meh. *yawn*

On the upside, I am taking Friday of this week off, and next Monday and Tuesday (Monday may be a holiday? I am unsure if we actually get Columbus day, but either way, I am not going to be here), so I will have a five-day weekend, which I feel like I desperately need. I'm not sure what my issue is - if it's just the letdown after all the rushing around like a crazy person, if it's the change in the weather kicking in early (I am usually good until January, because I am very fond of the holidays, and that gets me through the darkness of November and December pretty well; then January hits and I want to sleep until April), or if I am just that lazy (I am trying not to think about whether it's actual depression again, not until I've ruled out other stuff). I am afraid I may just be that lazy - I am awesome with deadlines to motivate me, but bad with the tedious every day stuff like booking conference rooms, rescheduling meetings, and doing expense reports. Sigh.


I posted a story last night:

The Dover Test
Supernatural; Dean/Risa; adult; spoilers through 5.04; 1,606 words
If she doesn't laugh, she'll cry.

I like how it turned out, though I must have scrapped about ten opening paragraphs before I finally settled. Writing is hard! I had a hard time reconciling Risa's behavior/position, and also Dean14's behavior. I mean, I totally believe Dean would sleep with Risa and Jane and anyone else willing who crossed his path when he was in the mood, in 2009 or 2014. I just have a hard time seeing Dean14 using the "we have a connection" line on anyone at that point. It seems unnecessary and a lot chattier than he's become. (Also, it makes her, like the women in Baltar's Castiel's harem, a dupe, which I find distasteful all around [hi, Ben Edlund's issues]. I don't mind them all using sex to lose themselves and stave off despair; I mind the men using things other than their native charms and some semblance of the truth [isn't "the world is ending; we could all die at any moment so seize the fish day" enough?] to get into the women's pants, and the women apparently all falling for it.)

Also, Risa appears to be high up in the inner circle - she's at the strategy meeting with both Deans and Castiel; possibly there is one other soldier guy there, but she's the one who questions Dean14 repeatedly (obviously, this is also a function of the fact that they got a somewhat well-known actress [I'd never seen her before, but she's been on other sci-fi type shows] to play her, but that is a Doylist reason and I needed a Watsonian one for my story) and he takes it and answers, so I don't think she was new to the group. So why would she buy the line? Why would he have used it in the first place?

Again, I am not bothered by their sleeping together (hi, hotness), but the presentation of it that way seemed weird to me (I mean, I get that they wanted the joke of her beating up Dean09 for Dean14's tomcatting, but again, for the story, I needed an in-text reason). So I had to reconcile it somehow, and making it something he says when he's let his guard down a little after they've already been having sex, rather than his opening salvo, made it make more sense to me.

So working that out to my satisfaction was one reason to write the story. I think it worked? I'm still not sure.

I also really liked the idea of her being a hunter before the virus, mostly because I think I'd like to write Dean and Sam running into her in the narrative present and Dean being like, "hey, I know you... um...never mind." And also because I feel this show can never have enough hot hunter women who bemuse and bewilder Dean.

Speaking of SPN and reconciling odd canon things, I found this season 5 timeline yesterday via friendsfriends (spoilers for all of s5 so far, obviously), and it makes more sense of certain things, such as Dean saying Sam would be "rusty" when he hands him the knife. And it also makes sense that some of the anger between them has drained away to be replaced by weary resignation, which makes the reunion easier to believe (I know some people wanted them separated longer, but I'm not one of them). I think the show probably could have shown that better if that was the intention, but they've always been crappy at that sort of timeline stuff - they will be very exact (see all the dates they give us in canon for the first half of s4), and then toss in something that just doesn't make any sense (e.g., 4.15 taking place at the solstice) given its place in the episode order. But a passage of almost three months' time works, I think.

Also from muridae_x, a casting spoiler for a later episode of s5. Ellen! YAY! Please don't kill her off! PLEASE? I am also amused that she's all, "Dean/Ellen HELL YEAH!" because who wouldn't be in her position? Too bad Kripke will never go for it. Sigh. I should write some of that.


I suppose I should do some of that tedious day-to-day work stuff now, huh?


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/77483.html.
people have commented there.

technology is not my friend, redecorating, tv: supernatural: links, writing: my stories, el jay madness, i fail at glee!, tv: supernatural: meta

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