then let's start swaying

Sep 02, 2009 13:51

I had a whole long rant about work here that was imprudent to post, so I will boil it down to two things:

1. Hold your horses! I was out sick yesterday, so I am still sorting through my inbox. I will call you back soon. Please stop hounding me!

2. Despite the rumors, I am not a mind reader (yet)!


Tom McRae is at the Living Room tonight and tomorrow, but I am not going. Sigh. I had plans for tonight already, and fleurdeleo can't make it tomorrow night.

But if you go, have fun! And take notes and do a write up!

When does his new album come out? *longs for new Tom*


Top 5 Songs - August 2009

5. Earthquakes & Sharks - Brandtson
Earthquakes and sharks to start us off,
If chupacabras ain't enough,
Black widow spiders, killer bees,
There ain't no shade, there ain't no trees.
Hot desert heat, polluted air,
And traffic jams beyond compare.
That's all I got to warn ya 'bout Mexico and California.

This is really fun to sing along with. It makes my commute a happy one.

4. Boston - Augustana
She said I think I'll go to Boston
I think I'll start a new life,
I think I'll start it over, where no one knows my name,
I'll get out of California, I'm tired of the weather,
I think I'll get a lover and fly on out to Spain.

I like this song. It amused me tremendously that it was the song Leonard sang when he was all emo about something on "Big Bang Theory."

3. Heaven's My Home - Sam & Ruby
Life's hard, I've always known that
I've never been handed no welcome mat
When I die, please don't cry
'Cause heaven's my home anyhow

I dl'd this because of their names, but wow, I really like them, so much so that I bought the album. Her voice is amazing. (thanks, z!) They have kind of a James Taylor singer-songwriter thing going on.

2. Anna Begins - Counting Crows
You try to tell yourself the things you try to tell yourself
To make yourself forget
I am not worried
"If it's love," she said, "then we're going to have to
think about the consequences."
She can't stop shaking
I can't stop touching her and...

This is one of my all-time favorite songs. *sigh*

1. Backstreets - Bruce Springsteen
Laying in the dark you're like an angel on my chest
Just another tramp of hearts crying tears of faithlessness
Remember all the movies, Terry, we'd go see
Trying to learn how to walk like heroes we thought we had to be
And after all this time to find we're just like all the rest
Stranded in the park and forced to confess
To hiding on the backstreets, hiding on the backstreets
We swore forever friends on the backstreets until the end

Possibly it is my second favorite Bruce song. Obviously, given the story that ate my brain in August, I had this on repeat a lot. (though I swear to god, "stranded in the dark" is a much better lyric, so I always sing it like that instead.)

Speaking of which, I posted a story last night:

trying in vain to breathe the fire we were born in
Supernatural; girl!Sam/Dean; au; adult; 13,500 words
With every kiss, every touch, every thrust of his hips, Dean is begging her to stay, and he can't tell if she's saying yes or goodbye when she kisses him back.

I could probably blather on about this story - it is definitely written to hit my various kinks - but mostly I tried to write a story that felt like the song. If you like first time girl!Sam Wincest set before Stanford, you might like this story. It is a niche market, as amberlynne likes to remind me. *g*

Speaking of songs and Winchesters, there should totally be a Winchester family vid to Pearl Jam's "Indifference," if there isn't already. First verse could be John and Mary, or the whole family; second verse, Dean ("I'll keep taking punches / until their will grows tired"); third verse, Sam ("I'll swallow poison until I grow immune / I will scream my lungs out till it fills this room").

Okay, it'd be a really depressing vid (unless it was also pushing back against the text, showing that they do make a difference), but it'd be fitting.

And, I didn't upload it, 'cause I didn't think of it, but if you are interested and you need a copy, hit me up.


This entry was originally posted at
people have raised a glass there.

tom mcrae, top 5 songs, work, you should totally write that, i am okay with that!

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