The Big Bang Theory continues to be hilarious and adorable. I just watched the Christmas Saturnalia episode in which ANDERS! I mean, Michael Trucco guest-starred.
I picked up a pinch hit for
spn_summergen, and I have a really good idea, but apparently I can't stop watching TBBT long enough to get started. I have the opening paragraph written, at least. And by written, I mean handwritten. But it will get typed up soon. ish.
Speaking of which,
spn_summergen has started posting. I imagine it will go on all month, and I think my stories will be completely obviously mine, but if at any point anybody wants to guess, since it is an anonyfest, feel free.
Yesterday, I was working on the Sam/Dean/Pam wip I have, and I rewatched IKWYDLS, and I don't know why I was under the impression that Sam dropped Pam off when she went home, but I was, but he didn't, so now I have to rejigger the story a little bit. Sigh. I also watched DTaH, but again, it's Dean who picks her up. And no, the stupidity of the ending never gets less arrgh! inducing.
I totally ship Dean/Tessa, though. But we knew that. I possibly need to write more of that. Or some of it, since I guess neither of the Dean/Death stories I've written actually contain, well, Dean/Death. *snerk*
You would have thought I'd have used my vacation to catch up on comments, but I didn't. Um, oops?
The icon meme is going around again and you know I can never resist it, so I asked and
embroiderama gave me these icons to talk about:
keyword: atrocities done in your name
I made this - it's part of
the SPN icon set I made to lyrics from the song "Want" by Recoil (an idea I shamelessly stole from
liviapenn, who did it for Remus and Sirius post-OotP). I generally use it when I find things very upsetting, or when talking about the sacrifices Dean and Sam have made. Obviously, it's technically not Dean, it's the shapeshifter dressed up as Dean (from the awesome opening to "Skin"), so it works on that level too - the atrocities the authorities think Dean has committed because of the shapeshifter, and also because of the job. I'm still not very good at putting text on icons, but I like the way this one came out.
keyword: can't look clowns will eat me
fox1013 made this. It is my "oh no!" or "uh oh!" or "I can't look!" icon.
keyword: we'll laugh and we'll toast to nothing
girlmostlikely made this one. It's been my default for a few months now. It's pretty. And tasty. I use it mostly as a toasting icon, when I wish people happy birthday or congratulations, or when I'm talking about food or alcohol. The keyword comes from the song "Carey" by Joni Mitchell, which is also where the title of my flist comes from.
keyword: one day you'll be cool
infinitemonkeys made this one. I am pretty sure that's Fairuza Balk. I took it because the sentiment makes me laugh - when I use this icon, I am usually (but not always) mocking myself, because I am not now nor have I ever been cool. Also, it's pretty.
keyword: on my knees to pray
I made this one from that photo of Jensen kneeling that came out last year around this time. Those are good arms to have. Ahem. keyword comes from "Never an Easy Way" by Morcheeba, which you may know as the song that plays at the beginning of the BTVS episode "Passion."
keyword: it ain't rocket science
angelgazing made this for me during this year's remix, when I was complaining about people who didn't qualify still signing up. I believe the full quote was something like, "It's not even basic math! It's just counting! You only have to count to FIVE or SEVEN! You don't even need all ten fingers to do it!" So this is my frustrated mod icon.
That was fun!
Now I have to figure out what to have for dinner. And watch more TBBT write my summergen pinch hit.