a friend who'll tease is better

Jul 27, 2009 10:52

fleurdeleo and I went to see (500) Days of Summer yesterday. I enjoyed it. Joseph Gordon-Levitt certainly grew up nicely, and it was amusing to see Matthew Gray Gubler play someone other than Spencer Reid. I really liked the non-linear narrative and the soundtrack was fantastic. I was hoping for more Smiths, since that was the way Tom and Summer initially bonded, but it was not to be. I LOVED the production number to "You Make My Dreams." LOVED IT. HILARITY AND AWESOME ALL ROLLED INTO ONE. Hall & Oates. *dies*

My main quibble with the movie, and possibly this was intentional, since it's a pretty tight Tom POV, is that Summer pretty much remains a cipher through the whole movie. Ringo Starr is her favorite Beatle, she likes pancakes, and she doesn't want to be anybody's girlfriend, okay, but we never get anything more about her - why she took the job at the greeting card company, why she left, what her doubts about Tom were, why she chose to let him in as far as she did in the first place, etc. And like I said, maybe that was intentional, maybe Tom never asked some of those questions, but I feel like Summer wasn't very well fleshed out as a character, which made it hard for me to feel where she was coming from.

I was also kind of groaning when she was all, "No, you were right! Destiny! The One! It's all true!" because I was hoping the movie would follow through and not espouse that POV, but I guess that was a little too much to hope for. I mean, Tom does sort of decide that it's all coincidence with no grander plan, so I guess it's okay.

It was nice to see Minka Kelly play a grown-up, though, even if she was only on-screen for a minute, and I am always happy to see the actress who plays Caroline Julian on Bones show up (and I am amused that she's now worked with both Emily and Zooey Deschanel).

Minor quibbles aside, I did really enjoy it, and recommend it.


So I have reached the point in my summergen where most people would be excited about writing the climax, and I am like, "huh. I suppose something needs to happen here, but I haven't a clue what it is." This is the problem with having an awesome idea but no follow-through, because you get caught up in all the quippy banter and forget that, oh, yeah, they have to dispatch the evil supernatural critter now. Um. *hands* Writing is hard, yo!

I will be done soon, though, and then I can go back to writing whatever I want! With no deadlines! Of course, deadlines are probably the only reason I've actually finished anything the past few months, so maybe that will be bad, I dunno.

Meanwhile, I fear work is going to be busy this week, as next week I am off on my furlough, so I've got to get stuff done.


And okay, the power just went out and came back on here in the office. Weird. I better post before it happens again!


writing: neuroses, movies

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