raise your glass to the hard working people

Jun 17, 2009 10:51

I think it bears repeating that remixredux09 is not a gift exchange ficathon. You do not have to write to your remixee's tastes, desires, requests, or prompts. Your remixee has already written her story. Remix is your chance to write your version of it.

If you have gotten someone whose take on the characters is diametrically opposed to yours, this is your chance to strip that away and tell the story more in line with your own views. If you love the characterization but the plot execution left you a little perplexed, this is your chance to tell the story the way you want to. If you are curious about what Character A was thinking or doing when POV Character B was being held hostage by flying monkeys, this is your chance to find out.

The original story remains, regardless of what the remixer does with it. A good remix comments on, interacts with, throws into sharp relief, and/or uncovers hidden angles in the original. Yes, a remix may change the way a reader looks at the original story, but so might the time of day or the weather while they're rereading it.

A remix is not bound by what you think might please your remixee, though I certainly understand the urge, and it's really awesome when it does work out that way. But it shouldn't be your primary concern as a remixer.


writing: remixing, diary of a mad mod

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