and these romantic dreams in my head

Jun 12, 2009 10:18

Thanks for the kind comments yesterday. It's more this dreadful, dreary weather we're having than any one thing in particular that's got me kind of frazzled and mopey.

I did finish the remix matching last night, and there were one or two anomalies that I'm not going to dwell on - one or two people might be getting remixed twice, but I'm pretty sure nobody minds that. Today I'll go through the list and make sure each person is assigned someone who matches on at least one fandom, and then it'll be time to update the assignment email and send them out. And then I can relax for a while. I hope. *crosses fingers*


I enjoyed Burn Notice last night, but I don't really have much to say about it.

The less said about the Mets' inability to hold a lead or win in extra innings, the better.


It's icon meme time again, folks!

1. Reply to this post (putting up your hand), and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

cupiscent asked me about these icons:

keywords: home, nyc / comment: it's the Chrysler building!
My favorite skyscraper. It is quite iconic. *g* Yay for Art Deco! I've had this icon a long time, and I generally use it when discussing New York-y things.

keyword: drinking
I think
zeplum made this ages and ages ago - she had a whole set of icons from vintage ads, and I really liked it. There's a framing shop on Second Avenue that used to have a print of this ad in the window and whenever I'd pass it, I'd think fondly of this icon. I often use it when discussing my drinking adventures, curtailed these past few years by age and sense.

keyword: lost in thought
It's Kate Winslet from her Amex ad. I sharpened it a lot and brightened it a little, so it's whiter and brighter than the actual ad. I use it when I'm having thinky thoughts or when I need something pretty to look at. It was my default for a short time, but I never quite got used to it in that slot.

keywords: all shall love me and despair, it's good to be the queen
This is Lucy Pevensie from the first Narnia movie, made by
cidercupcakes. I like it because, well, one, she's adorable, and two, her expression is ambiguous. It could be, "bitch, please," or it could be, "you can't believe how awesome I am, but I really am that awesome."

keywords: hopeful, mal/zoe, Our two souls therefore which are one, thy firmness makes my circle just
I made this one. It's Mal and Zoe from "Out of Gas" - I love the blown-out yellow of those flashbacks, where Mal first introduces Zoe to the ship that will become their home. This is my Mal/Zoe icon (or Mal & Zoe, if you insist), because they really are inseparable; Mal couldn't survive without her, and neither could Serenity. The two quotey keywords come from John Donne's "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning," which is one of my favorite poems of all time. The other two keywords linger from when I just used character or pairing names and emotions as icon keywords. It's my hopeful icon, because it's about new beginnings after loss, about still being free at the end of the day.

keywords: clear eyes full hearts can't lose, tonight we'll touch god
This is Tim Riggins by
oxoniensis. He is very pretty. He also pretty much single-handedly saves season 2 of Friday Night Lights with his AWESOME while everyone else is stumbling around with their heads up their asses (it ends up working out okay and season 3 is pretty fantastic, but season 2... *shakes head*). The keywords are 1. the show's - the football team's - catchphrase, and 2. a paraphrase of something Riggins says in the pilot (since for some reason I can remember song lyrics to things I've heard once twenty years ago, but can't keep actual dialogue quotes straight in my head for more than five minutes at a time).

Feel free to ask me about my icons, either on LJ or on DW.


memes: icons, tv: burn notice, i fail at glee!

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