only one thing's gonna set you free

Jun 05, 2009 12:10

Burn Notice

How much did I love Madeline last night? It's amazing how well they've integrated her into the show now. I loved her being pissed at Sam for blowing up the house. I loved her warning Michael about getting Harlan killed and then completely reversing herself, because it was such a Madeline thing to do. I felt the Harlan betrayal was a little obvious, but eh. I enjoyed Michael being ubercompetent. I especially enjoyed Harlan invoking "I'm the pretty one, you're the smart one."

I like that things will be a little different this season, with Michael on the radar, and Management trying to lock him up tight again.

Oh, show, I'm so happy you're back.

Then I watched Royal Pains, and ugh. Mark Feuerstein (sp?) is very cute (mostly because he looks like Reed Diamond's younger brother), but ugh. I did not like any of these people, and possibly I'm not supposed to, but that's kind of a dealbreaker if I'm supposed to be spending an hour a week with them. (No, I'm wrong - I did like the rich hemophiliac kid and the PA.) And there was only one funny line: "Note to self: become a doctor."

So I am not sure I'll be keeping the tv on this summer after Burn Notice. We'll see.

Otoh, how awesome was that commercial for Psych? *heart* Shawn/Gus=OTP!!!

In other TV news, I've reached the first Prentiss episodes of Criminal Minds, and HOW IS SHE SO AWESOME? *draws sparkly hearts around her* While no one can fill the void left in my heart by Starbuck's absence, Emily Prentiss could come close. SHE'S SO BADASS! And she's not nearly as fucked up. I mean, I'm sure she's fucked up somehow - it's television, after all - but nobody not named Winchester is quite as fucked up as Kara Thrace.


I am reccing Firefly on crack_van this month and I need to get on that.

Plus, I would like to get back to actually writing sometime soon. I am tired of it being the thing I don't have time or energy for at the end of the day.

I did a bunch of remixy stuff this morning and will be doing more this weekend. There's still time to sign up! You know you want to!


to do list, tv: criminal minds, tv: miscellaneous, starbuck is my tv girlfriend, tv: burn notice

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