the only thing we were engaged in were shenanigans

May 30, 2009 23:55

Oh, Pushing Daisies, I missed you SO MUCH. Your bright colors, your wacky murders, your double entendres, your quickfire witty repartee! The Aunts! The nuns! Snook & Cod! The Coroner! Pies with ridiculous names! Characters with even more ridiculous names! Plus, George Segal, for whom I've always had a soft spot!

At least we will finally get to see Gina Torres as Emerson's estranged baby mama. She looked utterly fantastic in the preview for next week.

Also, I feel the Piemaker and the Middleman should meet. Hilarity would ensue.

Anyway, I am SO SO SAD that this show was cancelled, and that they are burning off these last few episodes at 10 pm on Saturday night in June, because it deserved way better, but I will get the dvds and be able to run off to Coeur de Coeurs for pie and hilarity whenever I am in need of clever, beautiful, comfort TV.


tv: pushing daisies

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