[remix admin] rules change in the reaches

Apr 28, 2009 21:21

There's a poll up in remixers_lounge to gather some data on the following issues:

We're contemplating a couple of major changes in the remix process this year, and we're polling to gauge interest and participant sentiment.

We would like to open Remix up to RPF fandoms if people who write RPF are interested in participating.

So we have some questions about which RPF fandoms should be qualifying fandoms (i.e., are large enough/have enough people who've written enough stories to qualify under last year's rules of having written at least five (5) stories of at least 500 words in one (1) fandom), because I don't even know what's big these days beyond CWRPF and bandom. I know the popslash remix is currently running, and lotrips used to run their own, but are either of them still big enough to provide a pool of participants to Remix/Redux? I guess that is what we're trying to find out. (If your RPF fandom doesn't get in as a qualifying fandom, that doesn't mean you can't offer it or remix in it; it just means you have to offer/request one of the qualifying fandoms to play.) (Also, just as a reminder, there is no matching on pairing or category [i.e., het, slash, or gen].)

We are also thinking about slightly loosening the criteria to qualify, to something like fandoms in which you've written EITHER five (5) stories of at least 500 words OR fandoms in which you've written seven (7) stories of at least 100 words. (Under this possible rule change, if you've done five stories in one fandom and seven ficlets in another, you would qualify in both fandoms)

VOTE HERE and send your friends to vote, because if we don't get a significant number of people indicating interest, we won't make them qualifying fandoms.


Fucking Federov. Sigh.


polls, remix admin

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