lost in the haze of the wine

Apr 19, 2009 18:36

I opened a new bottle of olive oil to make the sauce for dinner tonight, and there was a perfect greenish-golden bead of it glistening in the white plastic mouth of the bottle. It smelled so good. I wish there were an Italian bakery in the neighborhood, so I could get good bread - I could eat almost a whole loaf for dinner, dipped into olive oil and sprinkled lightly with salt. om nom nom...

Now that I've eaten my Sunday spaghetti, and I've sorted my firewall problems (I hope! *crosses fingers*), I am going to sit down and start watching these episodes of Criminal Minds I downloaded. I could write, but the siren song of Shemar Moore's hotness beckons me.

I am sure I will post with impressions at some point later on in my watching.



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