[remix admin] Remix/Redux 7: Do you feel lucky?

Apr 16, 2009 22:41

In case you missed the announcement in remixers_lounge, Remix/Redux 7: Do you feel lucky? will be happening... soonish. luzdeestrellas has graciously agreed to take over, and she will be making decisions and handling most of the participant relations stuff, i.e., answering questions and dealing with problems participants might have. Today, I learned that I will have more flexibility time-wise than I'd expected (nothing bad - just found out my bosses' vacation schedules), and so she and I have discussed things, and I will be doing a lot of the background gruntwork, i.e., getting the comm set up, recruiting pinch hitters, etc.

We don't have a timeline worked out quite yet, but we are looking to not run afoul of the big bang deadlines. There will still be qualifying fandoms this year, though I believe the plan is to recalibrate that, and there will probably be a couple of other adjustments to make things run more smoothly both for us and for participants.

As always, announcements will be posted to remixers_lounge and to this year's community (when that is set up). Wait until you see the awesome layout slodwick has made for it.

Please direct all questions to the announcement post or to remixredux (at) gmail (dot) com.


I got my period this morning - I was totally prepared for once - and it has utterly wiped me out. I am going to bed now.



remix admin

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