and they will lean that way forever

Apr 10, 2009 23:00

Sarah Connor Chronicles: Born to Run


I... You know, I know a lot of people whose opinions I respect really liked that Sarah triptych of episodes that I felt slowed the show down interminably, and now I am even more annoyed, because they had ALL THIS AWESOME IN RESERVE and we got that episode where she went out into the desert with the crossdressing scientist and then the one where she hallucinated the sleep clinic, and they spent SO MUCH TIME on things that could have been handled more efficiently, so we could have gotten MORE OF THE AWESOME.

DEREK ISN'T DEAD (yet) IN THE FUTURE, which is of course, how we all suspected we'd see him again, and also, Weaver came back in time to make the humans better and stronger before she and her faction allied with them. She was the metal in the box, which we also figured.

I dunno. I feel like the pacing of this season was really weird, because I really WANT MORE now, and there isn't going to be any. And I can see how there can't be any - John Connor is no longer the savior of humanity - his jumping ahead in time takes him out of the equation when Skynet blows up the world (which I guess means this really is a divergent timeline from the new movie). I'm also a little... put off by how they eliminated all the women from saving the world - Sarah is no longer the mother/molder of the messiah, Cameron is a human groupie, and Weaver is ... hanging out somewhere. Even before the leap forward, it was going to be all about John and John Henry. Though maybe Savannah, as raised by Ellison and Sarah is a leader of the resistance in the future as well. I would dig that. Someone should write that.

Also, there was bonus JOSH MALINA! ♥

And was that Cameron's unnamed Latina gangster friend from season 1 who was the messenger? Her hair was different, but I am kind of hoping it was.

So I really loved the finale, though I find it somewhat unsatisfying as a series finale, and also wish the pacing of this season had been... different.

and I haven't even gotten into the fact that they used BRUCE titles for their last two episodes! (And well, you can count "Samson & Delilah" as a Bruce title, though his version is also a cover, and not the one they used on the show.)

But mostly my mind is blown, and I'm going to have to rewatch both seasons in a marathon, because the pacing definitely works better that way.

Do I have to spoiler cut for the trailer for Terminator: Salvation? Or can I just cackle about skinjobs and the recursive nature of these movies, not just within the franchise, but intertextually. There's a lot to be said about the interrelationships between the Terminator franchise, Blade Runner, and the revamped Battlestar Galactica (probably with some 2001: A Space Odyssey thrown in), and I don't just mean sentient AIs who want to blow up the world and look like humans. But that would have to be written with someone who has greater familiarity with Blade Runner than I do (it's been years and years since I've seen it).

Anyway. If you haven't watched Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, I highly recommend you check it out on dvd or hulu or whatever, because it's likely a closed canon now, and it's pretty amazing, especially when you marathon it (the pacing has fewer issues that way, imo). For interesting discussion, check out coffeeandink, who not only does her own fantastic analysis, but also usually links to other people's.




I am a little, um, put out that they basically ganked my favorite character (well, after Victor, and heh, I am a little weirded out now because my brother's name is Domenick, and my dad and my nephew are both named Victor), and also that there won't be any hot hot DeWitt/Dominic sexin'. (I might have to write some anyway. Um.)

I still want Topher to die in a fire, and wow, I am even more squicked by Boyd and Saunders now. And poor Ballard, who has to pretend with November now, and basically knows that he is having non-consensual sex with a doll. Ick. And DeWitt with Victor = ick.

I loved Sierra's Sydney Bristow schtick, though. I honestly didn't realize until this show how badly Joss wants to be JJ Abrams sometimes.

I am not even sure what to do with this show anymore. The squick factor is still way high, and even though I can see that I am supposed to be squicked, I'm not sure that mitigates it enough, considering that Echo can never really come into her own. Of course, I'm pretty sure it's not getting a second season, so perhaps that doesn't really matter, and as far as the mystery goes, it has definitely gotten a lot more interesting. But still, squicky in really in your face ways.


There were five lyrics left from this afternoon's lyrics game:

2. There's nothing I can do / but be the devil's plaything, baby - Idle Hands by the Gutter Twins
*cough*Dulli is god*cough*

3. Holding hands while in the furnace - We Are Co-Existors by Bodies of Water
I didn't expect anyone to get this one

4. No home, no life, no love / No stranger singing in your name - Long Road to Ruin by the Foo Fighters
This is such a Sam'n'Dean song! There should totally be a vid!

11. She knows where the rain goes - She Brakes for Rainbows by the B-52s
Aw, the B-52s!

19. We came by the rising of the river, on a river with no name, in the summer month of May - Luisa's Bones - Crooked Fingers
I didn't expect anyone to get this one either - this is from Monday's Chuck (thanks, revenantrose), though given the lyrical content, it also totally reminds me of SPN (and made me start to consider SPN as a revenge tragedy, but then I realized how that would have to end, and I really don't like that ending. Has anyone done any musing on how it would fit into that genre? Certainly it's a gothic, which is a genre heavily influenced by revenge tragedies. Someone who knows more about both genres should *waves hands* write about that.).


tv: dollhouse, tv: sarah connor chronicles, dulli is god, music, tv: supernatural: meta, you should totally write that

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