i've come here a thousand times

Apr 02, 2009 11:36


Holy shit, this show!

I LOVE that they brought Helen McCrory back to help find Reese, and that she offered Ted a gun (and also info on Olivia!). I love that Tidwell is much more palatable when he's not macking on Reese, even though there was his whole personal involvement with her that's getting him involved in this.

I am not sure how I feel about Bela's American accent - I gather it's her natural one? It was very weird. Also weird to see her so dowdy in that ranger uniform. Did like her helping them out to catch the husband (and the assistant).

The case was interesting, if predictable, but I really like what it showed us about Seaver, her being a poor loser (and the reversal at the end) and I really loved the whole, "Where are you going?" conversation she had with Charlie.

It all comes down to Roman Nevikov! I did not expect next week to be the season (possibly series?) finale, but I guess we will get some answers. I really hope they renew the show, but I am not holding my breath. I miss Reese!

Speaking of shows that should have been renewed and weren't:

You can preorder Middleman on dvd at Amazon, and according to Ausiello, Pushing Daisies season 2 will be out on dvd in July, including the unaired episodes (it's not up for preorder on Amazon yet). I am thinking I might wait, to see if they put out a full-series boxset, instead of buying them separately now. Hmm...


There was fic last night! A coda to "It's a Terrible Life" - I had a hard time figuring out how to do what I wanted to do, but it finally clicked into place, and I wrote... pretty much the same story I write after every episode. There is food and banter and the slow groping towards being brothers again. Heh.

Into the Flood Again
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; pg; coda to 4.17; 1,320 words
The tension that's been simmering between them for months has eased just enough that Dean can pretend that the last three weeks--hell, the last two years--haven't happened.


Someone please talk me out of signing up for that genderbender big bang. I could totally write 15K words of girl!Sam by July. It might not even be 13K words of porn after 2K words of set up, though there's no guarantee. I do actually have a couple of girl!Sam-casefile type stories I'd like to write, so there's that.


New show tonight! Whee!

And on that note, today's poem:

Still Life with Metaphysics

Who knows how many angels can spin on a pin?
If we'll still need a haircut in Hell? - mysteries
medievalists worked on till dawn. Not us,
we're content to eat our toast, retire
with a pension and most of our teeth.
Our life une nature morte - still life -
more romantic in French, but in the end
it's the same dead duck on a table, minus
the cracked walnuts, unspooling orange rind,
cheese knife stippled with pewter light.
The domestic scene's always tastier on canvas.
Where's my umbrella? What happened to Disco?
Which one's the bride? And why was the minister miked?
These are the questions we ask ourselves
as we turn out the lights and climb the stairs
where, if we're lucky, we'll dream of angels
twirling on a bed made with hospital corners -
a Virginia reel with its allemande left, dosie-dos,
seraphic trumpeter calling the turns.

~Holly Posner


tv: middleman, national poetry month 2009, tv: life, tv: pushing daisies

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