message in a bottle

Feb 27, 2009 15:45

New Boss is out of the office all afternoon at a meeting, other new bosses were both out on vacay all week (okay, I suppose we can identify New Boss as E., and other new bosses as S1 and S2), so I am sneaking onto LJ now that I've done everything that was left for me to do.

E. asked me whether I was going to come back next week and I said absolutely, as long as she wants me to. So much of this job is already familiar - not the actual procedures (I've never worked in a place where everyone - including the senior managers - have to fill out timesheets) - but the work and the rhythm of the work are familiar from my days at JDF. I mean, since aside from supporting E. and S1, I am also doing board support (that is, in fact, the bulk of my job), and the basics of that don't change, though the specifics do.

At BEMC, I worked for a good group of guys, all of whom were really excellent to me (except for that one time with old new boss), and the free time I had there to write and do fannish things more than made up for the fact that well, I was working for Big Evol MegaCorp, and that was a trade-off I'd knowingly and willingly made when I took the job.

Imagine my surprise and delight, then, to realize that here at NNP, when I read the minutes of the board meeting, or other organizational documentation, I not only understand what they are talking about, I agree with their stances (political and ethical). The people are also very nice, though I think there is the usual eye-rolly, "Oh god, it's the new person who doesn't know how to do anything again" in some quarters. Whatever. I'll learn.

One thing that amused me tremendously, so I must record it, even though no one else will get the joke - they do some kind of background check on new employees, and so the HR guy came over and was like, "You lived in Jamaica?" and I was like, "In Jamaica, Queens, G." Well, I didn't actually say, "G," but it was really hard to bite it back. You can take the girl out of the borough, but you can never take the borough out of the girl. (Actually, I lived in Ozone Park, but I think the zip code gets listed as Jamaica.)


There was fic last night, for my seven year LJ anniversary:

Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
SPN/BtVS; Sam/Buffy (Sam/Ruby); vague spoilers through SPN 4.14 & BtVS 7.22 (no comics canon); adult; 3,830 words
"I didn't ask for it. Nobody asks for it, Sam. It's the superpowers lottery. Tag, you're it."

This was supposed to be hot angsty chosen one type porn, but Sam's EXISTENTIAL EMO kind of took over the whole story, so now there is a little bit of angsty porn and a whole lot of EXISTENTIAL YAMMERING. I like how it turned out, I must say, even if it is a lot talkier than I'd planned. And seriously, the origin of the slayer plays in really well with Sam's current issues, which was kind of the impetus behind the story in the first place, so I guess I probably should have expected all the talking.

Thank you to everyone who's said nice things. I appreciate it and will get to comments soon. ish.

Past LJ-versary stories include:

The Forces Ranged Within Us and Against Us
Supernatural; Dean/Sam; vague spoilers through Born Under a Bad Sign; adult; 2,635 words
This we were, this is how we tried to love, / and these are the forces we had ranged within us / within us and against us, against us and within us.

I'm With the Band
Supernatural; girl!Sam/Dean; AU; adult; 1,468 words
In which Dean plays bass and Sam is his favorite groupie.

Huh. I thought I'd done it more often than that, but apparently not.

Anyway, yes, my 7 year LJ-versary! All devildoll's fault! She gave me the code, and I said, "meh, I'll only use it for the icons (at the time, I had three slots. THREE! Now I have 195 slots. Amazing.) and I won't like it." Heh. Who knew how addictive it would be?

And of course, while I've known some of you since my usenet and/or mailing list days, I never would have met a large number of you (either online or in person), without LJ, and I can't imagine my life without you guys. *hearts*

My current stats look like this:

frail and bedazzled
living just enough, just enough for the city
Created on 2002-02-26 11:56:22 (#480308), last updated 2009-02-27
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