except having to seek the approval of my inferiors

Feb 02, 2009 21:55


Dom! I forget what a little man he is until he stands next to Chuck or Casey. I didn't have 3D glasses, so there was a lot of that green-yellow shadow, but it didn't cause me any problems. I loved that Casey just kept shooting darts at Tyler, and that they wore off so quickly. Rock star metabolism. Bwah! And Jerome Bettis being adorable as Big MIke's ex-con insider trading friend who needed a job.

I really did not need to see the eating contest, nor to see Jeff eat the urinal cake, though. Ugh.

I am SO HAPPY Chuck finally told Sarah why he was all squirrelly. I was afraid they'd drag that shit out and milk it for angst, but they didn't. Whew.

Chuck! It makes me happy!

Then I watched last night's special post-Super Bowl episode of The Office, though since it started at 10:10, I was missing the last ten minutes of it. However, STANLEY! OMG STANLEY, ILU, DON'T DIE! "BARACK IS PRESIDENT! YOU CAN'T DIE!" *dies*


What was it he said? "I have to find new, positive ways of interacting with people, or I'm gonna die. ... I'm gonna die." I HEAR YOU, STANLEY!

Oscar going up into the ceiling! Angela throwing him the cat! Bwah!

Okay, what's with the Hall & Oates revival? They used a song here, there was a Hall & Oates joke on Leverage a couple weeks ago (The Bank Job), and my iPod keeps playing "She's Gone" (which I love, but still!). Should I be on the look out for a comeback?

OMG! The "Stayin' Alive" thing made me literally laugh out loud. Kelly gets up and dances! Michael doesn't know the words! And then Dwight CUTS THE FACE OFF THE DUMMY! *dies*

The biofeedback machine doesn't like Michael! Man, I did kind feel bad for him during the roast, but mostly he deserves it for, well, being Michael Scott. Dwight's prickly ego never fails to amuse me.

If I never see Jack Black and Cloris Leachman make out again, it will be too soon.

So can anyone tell me how it actually ended? Especially the Jim/Pam stuff?


There's a meme going around where you're supposed to post your favorite poem when you see this, but I am just going to post one of my favorites, since I have a hard time choosing:

Final Notations

it will not be simple, it will not be long
it will take little time, it will take all your thought
it will take all your heart, it will take all your breath
it will be short, it will not be simple

it will touch through your ribs, it will take all your heart
it will not be long, it will occupy your thought
as a city is occupied, as a bed is occupied
it will take all your flesh, it will not be simple

You are coming into us who cannot withstand you
you are coming into us who never wanted to withstand you
you are taking parts of us into places never planned
you are going far away with pieces of our lives

it will be short, it will take all your breath
it will not be simple, it will become your will

~Adrienne Rich


tv: the office, poetry, tv: chuck

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