we have come to a crossroads

Jan 30, 2009 23:05

Battlestar Galactica: The Oath

Holy frakking shit! Kara! SO FUCKING AWESOME! "I could do this all day!" I bet you could, sweetheart. ♥ ♥ ♥

THAT'S why Gaeta was always a prime suspect for being a Cylon. In his position, he can control the flow of information in and out of the CIC.

Ahahahahaha! Tigh's FACE when Roslin came out of Adama's bedroom in her bathrobe.

I hope Athena shoots that asshole who threatened to rape her right in the head. And that Anders gets to have some kind of heroic moment. And Helo.

ROSLIN! She's PISSED now. Woo!

I love that Baltar, as always, is only interested in keeping his own skin whole. Roslin-Baltar confrontation FTW!

Ahahahaha. That's Otto from Dark Angel getting himself shot up by Adama. Woo! Adama and Tigh, kicking ass and taking names! And of course, teaming up with Lee and Kara. And of course, Kara always has to take it ONE STEP TOO FAR.

Baltar, trying to reason with Gaeta. Bwah!

Mommy and Daddy making out in front of the kids! Hee! Oh, my heart, they're separating them now! Wah! Oh, Adama and Tigh making their last stand. Angsty old man BFFs! Oh, my heart!


Oh, okay, he's not dead yet. I hope that was just a fakeout about Tigh. And Roslin's going all hardcore. "I'M COMING FOR ALL OF YOU!" *shrieks with glee*

I still don't like Tory at all.

The thing is, Lee's right - Zarek's not wrong. But when there's no other chance for the survival of the human race - and it doesn't look like there is - I don't know what else they can do.

In conclusion, Starbuck is STILL my tv girlfriend! Because she is FRAKKING INSANE AWESOME.


starbuck is my tv girlfriend, tv: bsg

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