we are hijacking the day

Jan 08, 2009 02:58

I just finished reading The Grand Sophy. I enjoyed it a lot. Not quite Devil's Cub levels of awesome, but then, she doesn't shoot Charles, like Mary shot Vidal. I consider that a point of excellence in a romance novel, when the heroine shoots the hero. Sophy does shoot Charlbury, though, for his own protection, but it's not quite the same. Anyway, it's definitely a fun romp, and I would recommend it if you enjoy those types of Regency romances and haven't yet read it. I quite enjoyed Sophy sorting the Rivenhalls out, and I am so glad that Charles was wise to her plotting.


In other news, someone needs to convince me not to sign up for this. No challenges! Even though I totally could do 15K words by April, and I have two ideas that would probably take that kind of length to tell: 1. the SPN/Bones crossover with the ritual sacrifices, or 2. the SPN/BtVS crossover with the Aztec gods. snacky and amberlynne have promised to do handholding and cheerleading, but I really really get resentful of challenges in the midst of them, even though it's likely that without the pressure of a deadline, I won't write either of these stories. But, crossovers! Long, meaty, casefilish crossovers! I may not be strong enough to resist!



books: georgette heyer, books, i am okay with that!

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