you don't know what he's capable of

Dec 06, 2008 16:22

I watched this week's Friday Night Lights last night. Oh, Matt... I just... When Lorraine was all, "He won't leave. He can't leave," I swear, my heart broke for him. MATT! And then his face on the sidelines, he clearly knew he could be useful in the game, and Coach finally put him in and oh, Matt... I love you, Matt Saracen. You are MADE OF AWESOME. You are totally fit to drive that Impala.

And Tyra! She breaks my heart, too. I hope she realizes now that going to college really is the best thing she can do for herself, her ticket out of Dillon and her mother's dead end life.

And then Tim! TIM RIGGINS, HOW ARE YOU SO AWESOME? Every time I'm like, Aw, man, Riggins, I thought we were past that shit (I, like Lyla, apparently am easily taken in by Tim Riggins), but he came through again! *heart*

LYLA AND MINDY! *heart* That was the first time I've liked Mindy, too, and Lyla is much more palatable this season. (I even felt bad for Buddy for a second when he was like, "I don't have any friends.")

And then there is COACH AND MRS. COACH! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I may explode from their combined awesome, but it will be a happy explosion. Coach's surprise birthday plan! The chocolate and champagne! The robes! The very hot almost sex scene! And then Tami, being there for Tyra, who desperately needs her guidance. And Coach driving all the way to Dallas in the middle of the night because Tyra needs help. And keeping Cash from doing any more damage. *loves*

I am still waiting for JD McCoy's storyline to go somewhere interesting, but I guess if they are angling for a fourth season, and all the other kids are leaving <= speculation, not spoilers, they need someone to pick up the slack next year. And it would be JD and Jamarcus, and, well. They need to introduce a few more players - maybe some defensive players this time around, huh?

I am so glad this show is back on form. It makes me very happy in a really visceral way.

I also finished reviewing my yuletide source, and now I am kind of like, huh. My recipient provided some details, but I am still struggling to find a hook, an angle. I have to think on it some more. I mean, I think I know in general what I am going to do, but I haven't got a real spark yet. Hmm...

Now I have Dark Angel playing in the background while I root through all my stuff to find a can opener and the lid to my large sauce pan. It's been a while since I did more than order in or microwave something. I still think it's a shame Renfro and Lydecker never showed up again. They were so enthusiastic in their scenery-chewing. I would have especially like to see them interact with Alec.

Lastly, I want to thank whoever it was who nominated me for the Salt and Burn Awards.


tv: friday night lights, tv: dark angel

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