nothing but touch

Nov 16, 2008 15:44

I have been enjoying the Giants-Ravens game muchly, though their secondary has been ridiculously sloppy and full of holes, and some of the penalties make my soul weep.

Oh, Eli, no.

Okay, they should challenge that, because I'm not sure he had control of that ball. They are reviewing it. Woo! Incomplete pass! Tom Coughlin has the best percentage on challenges in the league, I believe. (And I don't really think the Giants are getting much of a Super Bowl champion cushion on calls, the way some teams get, but I admit I am biased.)

Also, I am having angst over tonight's Redskins/Cowboys game, because normally, I just root for whoever is playing against the Cowboys, but rooting for the Skins is not something I would normally do, either, so if it helps the Giants for them [either them! sadly, they can't both lose] to win... I don't know if I can do it. Also, go Bengals! They were beating the Eagles earlier, and while I doubt that will continue, I can hope.

Another penalty. Jesus fuck, you morons, stop doing stupid shit!



[obviously, the game keeps distracting me from writing this entry. heh.]

Dude. You've got to hit that guy! You can't just let him run up the field!

Oh, fuck! SO CLOSE. 77 yard run by my boy Ahmad Bradshaw. *hearts* Too bad he got stopped at the two instead of going in for the TD. Oh, Plaxico. Sigh. That was a great defensive play, though. Sigh. They need to get Jacobs to just bang it in. Sigh. Yeah, I would take the three points, too.

I kind of LOVE that they are actually playing Earth, Wind and Fire while showing clips of the Giants running backs, who are known as Earth (Jacobs), Wind (Ward) and Fire (Bradshaw). This amuses me tremendously. They have run over this Ravens' defense, too, which was number one in the league against the run before today.


I posted fic last night!

Angel Radio
Supernatural; Dean/Anna; spoilers through the promo for 4.10; adult; 2,545 words
"The world could end tomorrow."

I know Saturday night is a graveyard for fic, but I do not have the patience to wait for a more...propitious time to post. (And considering this is random character het, I don't think it really would have made much of a difference anyway. *shrug*) So I'm really pleased people are actually reading it. Thank you!

The story is as much about Anna's backstory than about the sex, I guess. I enjoyed getting to fill some of that in, though as I was writing last night, I was like, "how do I have 1300 words of backstory but no porn!?" But once I got going, I found that as interesting as the sex, and actually easier to write.

While I am excited for the fact that we are going to get to see Dean have sex onscreen (no matter that I think it is probably ill-advised, for numerous reasons, even if I really like Anna), I am a little sad that they're bringing PAMELA BARNES back and she's not the one he's sleeping with. All I can say is, KRIPKE, YOU BETTER NOT FUCKING KILL OFF PAMELA. And not just because I want her and Dean to have A LOT OF SEX going forward. (Sam can be there too, but I feel like I could totally actually actively ship Dean/Pam, as long as she doesn't DIE.) But because she is AWESOME, with a SIDE OF AWESOME, with AWESOMESAUCE ON TOP. White plastic eyes that make her look "extra psychic!" Ready to kick some angel ass! Groping Sam and calling him "grumpy" again. *hearts*

Oh, show, don't hurt me that way again. I am resigned to Anna cacking it in this episode - we all know what happens to people who hear God (or his angels) talking to them, and I fear a fiery death for her. And Ruby slept with Sam, so you know she's gonna buy it sooner or later (possibly getting herself some redemption in the process, but I am not sure the God of the SPN verse is a forgiving god. His angels don't seem to be.), so please, please, please don't kill off Pam!


I am sure I had other things to say, but football! It is very distracting!


sports, tv: supernatural: squee

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