everything you need to stay warm

Nov 14, 2008 13:19

Okay, here is a thing I don't understand about people's reactions to the motel scene in Lazarus Rising. Mostly, I don't get the outrage, and I don't get the problem, but people keep talking about it and having to handwave it etc.

To me, Ruby was clearly always Ruby there (once she was revealed to be Ruby, though I did wonder if she was when I first saw the scene). I never thought Ruby possessed that body after that scene, so seeing that she's been in it for five months doesn't surprise me. She's surprised to see Dean and Bobby at the door, and she covers it by being snarky about the pizza delivery thing.

Sam freaks out, has his reunion with Dean, and then Ruby is all snarky again with, "Is that your boyfriend?" (I think the problem is with the actress's delivery, not the scene itself.) Sam's internal monologue is probably going something like, "DEAN! OMG! IT CAN'T BE! BUT IT IS! OMG DEAN'S BACK OMG! Oh shit oh shit oh shit, what do I say about Ruby? WHO CARES? DEAN'S BACK!" only less coherent and with more CAPSLOCK AND !!!!!!! And possibly some pink sparkly hearts. He is in no way planning some grand deception, other than the usual ones he's always living with.

But Ruby's totally giving Sam shit there, and you can see him being taken aback, because he knows she knows who Dean is. It's also her way of saying, "Don't tell mom the babysitter is dead Dean who I am." And Sam is so completely spun by what's going on that he goes along with it. Probably because he's started getting used to working with Ruby, and in those situations, he used to follow Dean's lead. But you can see he's totally knocked off his stride by having Dean back, and Ruby is playing into that. The Kathy/Kristy thing is, yet again, Ruby needling Sam, and you can see it on his face, where he's all WTF?

I've seen people complain that Sam is OMG LYING TO DEAN but, um, Sam's always been a BIG FAT LYING LIEFACE WHO LIES, most especially to the people he loves. He's not particularly adept at coming up with a cover on the fly (which is why his total DITH-ness in this scene doesn't bother me), but he's aces at the long con (see Jess) or when he's prepped for playing a character (see Nightshifter). And he's been lying to Dean by omission since AHBL2.

So, yeah, I don't get it. I guess this is definitely one of those "we're all watching a different show" things.


that sam-i-am, tv: supernatural

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