and it's getting better all the time

Nov 10, 2008 21:35


Guy LaFleur! Hee! Someone on the writing staff is a hockey fan.

Chuck: "She slept with Bryce Larkin." Casey: "Who hasn't?" I know that was meant as a crack about Sarah, but I am sure everyone else thought Casey/Bryce too at that moment. And ahahahahahaha! Chuck plants a wet one on Casey because he thinks the antidote to the virus can be carried in saliva. As you do. *dies* "I've served my country with honor. Let me die with dignity." I *heart* Casey so much! And Captain Awesome continues to be absolutely awesome. I also enjoyed the parallel structure of the Buy More plot with the spy plot. And Morgan getting caught with Ellie's panties while trying to steal the test. *dies* Oh god, that totally hit my humiliation squick and yet it was still hilarious because it's Morgan, and he's all, "I'm a thief but not a pervert!" though he's totally both.

Also, have you seen the upcoming casting spoilers? Bruce Boxleitner and Morgan Fairchild as Awesome's parents! Named Woody andHoney! Of course they are! *hearts* And Carl Lumbly is going to be on as Casey's sensei. *glee* Now if only they'd cast Lena Olin as Chuck and Ellie's absent mom. (And Victor Garber as their father? *g*)


Did you know Barack Obama loves pie? I didn't even watch it until I got home, but just reading about it made me want pie! Bring me some pie! Love me some pie!

Mmm... pie...


So it's the time of year for holiday ficathons etc. I guess yuletide signups have just closed, and the holiday catchallathon closed last night, and there are many others going on in many and various fandoms, and when I skim through the requests, I never ever fail to be amazed at how insistent some people are over who tops or who bottoms in their boyslash pairing. I know it's just another kink, and not even, in the grand scheme of things, all that strange, but it always strikes me as so weird when people get so insistent about it. It always has. And I guess it's because I really don't care that much either way - for any pairing I've ever written or shipped, I could make an argument either way, and I generally try to make the sex fit the story rather than write the story to fit around the sex, which is kind of what that rigid insistence feels like to me. I mean, obviously there are some cases where I want a particular sex act performed in a particular way/by a particular character in a particular story, but just in general, I am not that fussed, so I am always a little bemused when other people are.

Just another case of Not My Kink, I suppose.


No, seriously, I want pie now.


yes we can, youtube, tv: chuck, pie = love, writing: sex

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