like the deserts miss the rain

Oct 04, 2008 22:38

fleurdeleo and I made a day of it today - we went to Bloomingdales, where I got a new pair of sunglasses - very Jackie O, they are allegedly going to be featured in the new issue of Harper's (not that I care about that, but the saleslady seemed to think that was a selling point) - they're BCBG Max Azria, and they came with their own little case, which is good, because I have a terrible habit of mangling sunglasses, even the expensive ones. Not that I actually paid for these - I am still working off last Christmas's gift certificate. I also got two lovely tops, both of which were on sale, so I got two tops that were each originally $90 for a total of $62 combined. Go me! I am sad that they removed the Origins counter, though.

Then we went to see Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, which I liked a lot, even though the gross bits were possibly the grossest thing I have ever seen (and I watch Bones) - I had to hide my eyes for that whole sequence, and then they kept bringing it up AUGH - and there was a moment where Nick was really douchy, even if Tris was awful. I need to get the soundtrack. I loved Norah, and I especially loved Norah's lipstick. I also really loved seeing familiar NYC places on screen (Veselka!).

Then we had dinner at Brasserie, which is possibly my favoritest place in the whole wide world. Sigh. I mean, it's ridiculously expensive, and I had the fig and vanilla dessert on the waiter's recommendation, and it was okay, but no match for either the chocolate beignets, the chocolate trio, or the creme brulee, so I wouldn't get it again, but the filet mignon is amazing. (I miss the fantastic crostatas at Panzano in Denver. I wonder if they still serve them. Sigh.) Plus, we split a bottle of Sancerre Sauvignon Blanc, which is just a lovely, lovely wine I highly recommend if you like white wine.

Now I am home and contemplating writing.

The world might be going to hell in a handbasket, but at the moment, I am fat and happy.


life, movies, shopping

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