on such a timeless flight

Oct 01, 2008 12:34

unfitforsociety has been updated with 31 recs for September 2008:

* 21 Supernatural
* 6 crossovers
* 1 each Battlestar Galactica, Harry Potter, Iron Man, and Northern Exposure

Read, love, send feedback!


I don't mind the delicious overhaul much (I love the new lengthier notes field), but the code is full of EVEN MORE STUFF I have to delete when I do recs (when there are more, than, say, five recs in a fandom, I do view source and c&p from there, since that cuts down on the amount of actual work I have to do, but now it means scrolling through a ton of useless code that needs to be deleted before I can post). I could investigate the post directly from delicious thingy, but that's daily, and I like to do recs in groups - it feels more like an accomplishment then, rather than just something I'm mentioning in passing. I don't know. I have a thing. It's weird.


That icon meme! The one where you choose every tenth one and explain it or whatever.

my icons, a selection:

Keywords: home, nyc
This is the Chrysler Building, my favorite building in NYC. I used to work across the street from it, in the Greybar Building.

Keywords: Danny, thoughtful
I got this one from smartlikejustin. As you can see, this was from the days before I did more than names/moods as icon keywords.

Keywords: squicked
(art by iharthdarth, icon by dragonelf_2002)
Um, the keyword on this is meant to be ironic, obviously. I just thought it was adorable and hilarious and oh so appropriate for my hetcest loving self. I *heart* iharthdarth.

Keywords: crazy space incest
See above re: hetcest. I think I was "there" (in the chat or whatever) when the term "crazy space incest" was coined - I think it was taraljc.

Keywords: Kaylee, delight, pleased, crossovers kick ass
By sharpest_rose, who did a whole series of the crew of Serenity as the Endless, which is really a perfect mashup.

Keywords: cheer up emo kid
Made by angelgazing, the text is a line Remus says to Sirius in one of my stories that I wrote while I was up on AIM with her until, like, four am. I think it was "Let Your Hips Do the Talking."

Keywords: I go blind
Jensen in his peacoat, looking all stern and model-like, from that photo shoot. I just realized how that keyword could be interpreted, hee! I meant it from the song by 54-40, and also because he's too pretty to look at directly (like staring into the sun!) but that secondary meaning amuses me now that I've finally thought of it.

Keywords: Shakespeare hates your emo poems
By oxoniensis, specially colored for me (I think it's based on a Threadless t-shirt). Because I post poetry a lot, and it amuses me. Also used sometimes to comment on someone - often me - being pretentious.

Keywords: shine a light, curious
Dean with a flashlight, by oxoniensis. You know, I'm not even all that fond of the coloring on this one, but I love the image of Dean illuminating things.

Keywords: on the edge of summer, redheaded woman
Miranda Otto being gorgeous; she's kind of the Lily Evans in my head. The first keyword comes from the song Daughter by Vienna Teng. If I had a copy of Bruce's "Redheaded Woman" ("It takes a red-headed woman to get a dirty job done"), I'd have shared it, as well, but I don't.

Keywords: girl!Sam, so much mine
This is actually a Katee Sackhoff as Sarah Corvus icon by mf_luder_xf, but since Katee is my mental casting for girl!Sam (and I have a huge-ass girlcrush on her), and So Much Mine by The Story is one of the main girl!Sam theme songs in my head, um, I sort of appropriated it for my own use.

Keywords: pie = love
Charlotte Charles, the Lonely Tourist, by slodwick; my Pushing Daisies icon, because PIE = LOVE and everybody knows it.

Keywords: a star between our hands
I made this because I couldn't find a Booth/Brennan icon of this scene that didn't have text on it. The keyword is a paraphrase of a line from a poem, iirc. Sadly, I am blanking on the poem atm.

Keywords: how much you hate me
This was part of the set of SPN icons I made to the song Want at the beginning of season 2, which is where the text comes from. I am really bad at putting text on icons, but I like how this one (and a couple others from that set) turned out.

Well, that was fun.


I was up a little later than I planned last night, rereading comfort fic, and man, I never ever get tired of Dean finally getting some form of parental validation (even if the people it comes from are not actually his parents). It makes cry every goddamn time. *sniffle*


technology is not my friend, memes: icons, recs updates

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