the name you'll find written on my heart

Sep 27, 2008 00:04

The Office season premiere


I think I've mentioned this before, but one of the fictional scenes I imprinted on early was the ending of the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's with Holly running through the rain looking for Cat, and Paul running after her, and then the big kiss in the rain. I've replayed the scene in various ways in a lot of the stories I've written, and in Give Me Your Answer, Do, I was going to make the second scene - the one where he proposes to her while she's driving away - in the rain. I didn't, because I try to be aware of my own overused tropes, but OMG SHOW I AM SO GLAD YOU DID!

I was VERY NERVOUS (I still am) that they were going to do something stupid, like have Jim see her with that new guy and have him get jealous and Roy-like, and just ugh. I REALLY REALLY HOPE THEY DON'T GO TO THE STUPID PLACE with Jim/Pam. Because I am ridiculously OTP about them. I mean, yeah, okay, Jim can be a dick, but he's growing out of it and I just... I love them together so much, and he makes Pam GLOW WITH HAPPINESS, SO THEY BETTER NOT FUCK IT UP!


I thought the episode was really funny in the best Office way of making me cringe, but not so horrid I had to leave the room except for Michael in his fat suit, and even that had a sweet moment with Kelly before he ruined it. I LOVED Jim and Ryan's exchange, and Angela and Dwight sneaking off to knock boots. I am glad they ended the Holly thinks Kevin is retarded thing, and wow, Angela was hilarious there. And god, Holly and Michael are like soulmates with their dorky white rapping. Wikka wikka what? *dies* Also Stanley! Fight the power!

So I enjoyed this episode a lot.



Bones: The Pieces in the Purple Puddle or whatever this episode was called.


I got all sniffly when Hodgins visited him, and the was all !!! when he showed up in the lab. And how happy they all were to see him, except Booth, who was like, "WTF?" I guess they thought better of last season's WTFery re: Gormagon and Zach, and are retconning their little hearts out, and I am okay with that.

I really like how they are incorporating Sweets into the cases. I really enjoy him, and glad they kept him around.

I like Hodgins' new look. I just wish he and Angela would get back together, while they're retconning poor writing decisions. Sigh.

Booth and Brennan are SO ADORKABLE. *hearts* I love Booth being all "Don't call my partner a chick!" and how they bicker and banter and just ENJOY BEING TOGETHER. And she fixed his back! And he was all, "I know what quid pro quo means. I explain lots of things to you." ♥ ♥ ♥


So TV made me happy after work made me cranky - I don't mind doing the work, but I get really irritated when they drop requests for AWESOME FEATS OF SCHEDULING on my desk at 5:45 on a Friday night. I mean, I get that market conditions etc. etc. make everything a crisis right now, but what it means is that I have to deal with bitchy high level assistant who keeps carping at me that she shouldn't have to rearrange her boss's schedule for these meetings when new big boss's big boss ends up bailing on them at the last minute. As if I have control over what that man does. So tonight I let new big boss's big boss's assistant deal with bitchy high level assistant, and that all seemed to work out. And then new big boss's big boss's assistant called and THANKED ME for being flexible. So I thanked her for being patient with me as I'm learning the ropes of this job. So that part was good. And I get paid for the overtime, so.

I got my period last night, and it has completely worn me out even though I've been getting pretty decent sleep this week. I am looking forward to lying around doing nothing all weekend.


tv: the office, tv: bones, work

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