when you're burned, you've got nothing

Sep 18, 2008 23:40


I will need to rewatch (well, except for The Road So Far, which was like they made their own version of "Women's Work" without ever realizing what they were doing, which makes me sad, because I love "You Shook Me All Night Long"), but aside from that and the way they had Dean hitting the possessed waitress, which I thought was completely gratuitous, I really enjoyed the episode. [also, the waitress!demon had the same mannerisms as the crossroads demon - they must direct them all to act like that.] I am skeptical of this whole "on a mission from God" thing - mostly because Kripke is no Gaiman, and the CW is not HBO, so I don't know that they will do anything really interesting with it, but I am willing to go along for the ride (remember: the mytharc is always a clusterfuck.) Dean! ON A MISSION FROM GOD! (He's been associated with the archangel Michael since "Houses of the Holy") Of course, it helps that Dean is skeptical, too. And that Castiel is kind of pretty. (When he showed up, I was like, 'Lucifer? Constantine? an angel?') Also, I am curious about why Castiel thought Dean would be able to see his true face - one of my speculations was that Dean could still see the real faces of demons, having been in hell, but that was shot down in the diner.

Reservations out of the way, OMG DEAN! SAM! BOBBY! IMPALA!

DEAN CLAWED HIS WAY OUT OF HIS GRAVE! ( score one for me.)

I LOVED that whole opening sequence. The trees flattened, like the bleached bones of some gigantic creature. It's beautifully filmed, and Dean is so. fucking. pretty. Even covered in dirt. (though possibly Jensen should have foregone his manicure for once. Ahem.) Plus, we got shirtlifting. (Come the fuck on, like you weren't thinking it too.) And the tattoo! And the imprint of the hand of God (or his alleged representative).

The Dean-Bobby reunion made me happy. Sigh. Parental validation. (This is why the angel thing made me all teary and "OH DEAN" when Castiel was all "Don't you believe you deserve to be saved?")

Wings in the title card. I mean, I was already kind of expecting angels, so Castiel wasn't a surprise. Especially with that name.

HUGGING! BOYS! HUGGING! (Sam, man, you really are turning into Dean. "The girl? I don't pay, Dean." *snerk*) Oh, Sam. "I'm sorry it wasn't me, all right."

Ruby is totally a Sam/Dean shipper. And that poor psychic should get her wincesty threesome as a reward for having her eyes burned out. Jesus. Well, sort of. *snerk* Grumpy! Hee! "You are not invited!" Bwah!
(really, I'd like to see Missouri again. I get the feeling she wouldn't be letting no random angel burn her eyes out.)

"Are you kidding me? What don't I know about that kid?" "I know. I look fantastic, huh." OH DEAN!

(When I watched the clip of the reunion with Bobby, I was like, "Dean's not wearing his amulet! Oh no!")

(I love how the show doesn't trust us - Bobby's all, "It does raise a sticky question." And instead of leaving it there, Dean has to actually VOICE the question. "If you didn't get me out, who did?" Oh, show. You're lucky I find your anvils endearing. Also, "a pile of questions and no shovel?" WTF?)

DEAN/IMPALA=OTP4EVA!!!! He calls her "sweetheart." *sniffle*

The iPod! "You were supposed to take care of her, not douche her up!" Sam, that's sacreligious! And that crappy, crappy song. Oh, Sam. Your taste in music has always been suspect, but now it's just been proved to be bad. Coldplay is next, I'm sure.


Okay, I realize that they couldn't keep Katie Cassidy because Ruby's body was shot and stuff, but this new actress for Ruby is possibly even more wooden than she was in Magnificent Seven. (And she had to have recognized Dean and Bobby in that crappy motel room, so I'm not sure why she didn't say anything.)

I really like that they're setting Sam and Dean at odds in certain ways - that's the conflict that hurts the most and is the most dramatically interesting. Dean is lying about not remembering (or he will be once those flashes start resolving), Sam is lying about using his powers (or not using them), Dean is going to keep Castiel a secret, and Sam is keeping Ruby a secret. Oh, yes, they are setting up for some painful revelations when the truth comes out.

A Thriller video reject! Wedge Antilles! Busty Asian Beauties! PERKY NIPPLES! DEAN! HOW ARE YOU SO AWESOME?

I'm sure I'm missing things, but I am tired and I need to rewatch.

So yeah, I'm kinda happy my show is back, in case you couldn't tell.

Then I watched Burn Notice, but I was chatting about SPN so I didn't get all of it, and then there was a big TBC at the end. Sigh. However, I LOVED when Sam was watching Carla swim and he was like, "The woman is a machine." Hee! If only you knew!

now I need to go to bed.


that sam-i-am, tv: supernatural: episode-related, oh dean, tv: burn notice, the boy/boy melodrama

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