so i turn my collar up and face the day

Sep 04, 2008 22:24

Oh dear god, I have the worst headache. It's probably partly the weather, and partly the amount of time I spent this afternoon arranging a bunch of meetings with people who are apparently booked solid forever. I left work right at five (I work until five-thirty) because the pizza I had for lunch did not agree with me, and I was rapidly becoming more unwell than I like to be in places that are not my own home. I was vilely ill for a bit, and I am just aghast that the PIZZA I had for lunch hurt me. I mean, I kind of knew something was not right while I was eating, and I didn't eat it all, but I ate enough to make me unwell. Sigh. The last time I was sick, it was a cheeseburger. IS NOTHING SACRED?


Oh, god, the Giants are going to kill me. Stupid penalties, man. Stupid, stupid penalties. And also, no rhythm to the offense in the second half.


So I posted a story this morning:

The Trick Is to Keep Breathing
Dark Angel; Max/Alec; adult; 3,065 words
"I come here to be alone." "So, no different from anywhere else then, huh?"

When I started writing this, I thought Alec was going to be the one to say "We don't have to be alone now." He was going to make the overture and she was going to accept it, and then I realized that that didn't feel right. Max is the one who has hope, who makes close connections, however grudgingly. Alec is the nihilist with the shiny smiley candy coating. So she has to be the one to say it, I think, to realize and vocalize that they don't have to be alone. Which isn't to say Alec doesn't make connections, but he's still more like Max at the beginning of the series - he doesn't want them and doesn't know how to deal with them once he's got them. Not that Max is much better at it, which is kind of what I like about them. They're never going to talk about their feelings. Hee.

Anyway, I like how it turned out, and I'm glad other people like it too. And now I can cross that title of my list; it's been on there a while.

I still need to write the Alec woos Max with heists fic, though. If only I could write caper fic.


I posted fic today because it's the eighth anniversary of the first story I ever posted, way back in the days of mailing lists. I reread that story the other day, and it's... it's actually not bad. There are things in it I would never do now, that make me wince, but for a first effort, well, it doesn't suck. I remember sitting somewhere outside in Washington DC, waiting to go into a meeting, scribbling it down on my notepad. And having it betaed, like, 18 times by five different people. I was new, okay? I know you won't believe this, but I used to be SO SELF-CONSCIOUS OMG about showing my writing to other people. I was coy and precious about it and it makes me sick to think about now.

Anyway. Including drabbles, ficlets by request, kisslets and other commetfic type things, I've got about 750 stories in my delicious, in 47 fandoms (there are 48 tags in the fandom bundle, but one of those is for crossovers) and a bunch of pairings. The het/boyslash is split pretty equally, and gen is slowly creeping up there, thanks to SPN and Firefly.

I've been in fandom for nearly eleven years, and I've learned a lot - about writing. about gay sex. about British slang, Japanese mourning rituals, the shaving habits of ancient Greeks, and the 1967 Chevy Impala. About how to be a person.

I've had a few rough patches, but mostly it's been awesome. Thank you for that.

♥ ♥ ♥


flove, tv: dark angel, fannishness

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