elvendork! it's unisex!

Jun 11, 2008 12:18

Someone typed up the 800-word prequel thingy JKR wrote, and I'm glad they did, because I can't view the flash version here.

James! Sirius! the motorbike! t-shirts! *heart* Oh, boys! *sniffle*

I love that in kinda sorta writing fanfic of her own books, Rowling brings the slashy subtext. I've never been a James/Sirius shipper, but I am perfectly fine with believing James/Sirius became James/Lily and Sirius/Remus.


Yup, the Sirius/Remus tinhat is still firmly in place.

Sometimes I miss writing them, but I don't really have anything else to say.

It's funny, because I was just thinking about how my birthday is coming up (and believe me, you'll be hearing a lot more about that in the coming weeks), and how last year, I posted a Sirius/Remus story, and how I always try to have a story posted on or about my birthday, and I was thinking about what I could write this year. Possibly, I will finish something off - I just had an idea this morning for reviving a WIP I thought I might have to abandon, so possibly that one. Or I could actually write one of the other things on my list that I haven't started yet. Or maybe I will just write some girl!Sam/Dean porn, since that seems to come the easiest (er, no pun intended). You never know! Anything could happen!


You know how sometimes you're reading a story, and you can see how the character is going to get humiliated/hurt before s/he does, and you have to stop and look away for a moment, empathetic fear clenching in your belly? I was reading something and that happened, and even though it didn't turn out as badly as I'd feared for the character, it was still there, that little sting of humiliation, the thing that makes me leave the room so often when I am watching "The Office," only I think I've discovered that it's worse when, like Michael Scott, a person is oblivious to their humiliation.

It's really weird, because you'd think that'd make it better, that they don't know! But for me, it makes it worse, because it means they KEEP DOING IT AND IT ONLY GETS WORSE. Like, I can deal with someone doing something that should be humiliating, and knowing it, and not caring? Or being embarrassed and dealing with it? But when the character just HAS NO CLUE and I'm supposed to find that funny, I really just get queasy in empathetic embarrassment. And the thing is, if it's ME, I take it much better. I've flashed my ass (metaphorically speaking) enough to be able to laugh about it afterwards (mostly), but I can't stand watching other people do it and get laughed at for it.



hp, i am okay with that!, sirius/remus:meta

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