Battlestar Galactica
Sigh. Mommy and Daddy are so in love. ♥ ♥ ♥
Three is awesome.
I enjoyed Baltar tonight. Especially his conversation with the centurion. And then, of course, his confession.
It was nice to see Elosha again.
However, there was no Six! And no Starbuck! This always displeases me.
Next week looks like things might really start cooking. Hopefully it's not too terribly misleading.
So I managed the WordPress install pretty easily, though I probably shouldn't have put it under Now I am thinking I should have just created the subdomain and put it there, because all the links are going to change anyway. I wonder if I can move it...
And of course, I couldn't get ljArchive to export my LJ. It kept breaking. And with no way to pick and choose posts, it's kind of useless to me anyway. I have nearly six and a half years of posts to sort through, so I guess it's back to pasting the stories in one by one. Sigh. I am trying to figure out how to organize everything - do I want a static front page with an intro? Do I just want to have whatever the latest story posted be up front, like a blog? I haven't decided yet. I am also trying to figure out the difference between tags and categories. I imagine I will input both, even though right now I can't seem to get the template I like to show tags. I'm sure I will figure it out. Yes, yes, I know, read the fucking manual. But that takes all the fun out of poking around in complete ignorance, going "what does that do?"
Meanwhile, my connection keeps cutting out, and it's driving me insane. I wonder if it's the router.
Why does technology hate me so much? Why?