take the blue ones every time

May 10, 2008 12:06

Random list is random:

+ I woke up this morning with You Are a Runner and I Am My Father's Son in my head, which reminded me of the girl!Sam story I want to write with that title, where Dean goes to Stanford with her. It's on the list, anyway.

+ Then in the shower this morning, I was thinking about how Jim really could turn into Michael, especially after this week's episode. Not in the horrible socially inadequate way, except, well, by doing his job. The whole aggressive salesman thing skeeves me out, Jim. Don't do it! I was going to write a whole post about it, but then I remembered this fantastic story, and realized I didn't have to. I guess if Pam really does decide to pursue graphic design in Philly or NY - and I hope she does - Jim could move with her and get a job that isn't ridiculous and depressing. Of course, it'd also be a job he'd probably have to work at, but he can do it! Come on, Jim, I'm rooting for you to grow up!

+ I am planning to spend as much of today as possible writing. We all know how easily distracted I am, though, so who knows what will happen.

+ Tonight I am going to M's bachelorette party at Lucky Cheng's. There are some family politics at work in this, which would probably not make sense to anyone else, and I am more than a little apprehensive, because the only people I will know there are my brother-in-law's sisters (M, the bride, and ME, her older sister) and my niece (I cannot believe she's going to be 18 in two weeks. This freaks me out.). Mostly I am there so ME has someone to talk to (and also to keep her from butting heads with one of M's friends, with whom she does not get along), which is fine. We used to go out all the time before she had kids. Man, we used to go dancing at Malibu and stay out until 4am. Those were the days. Anyway, I am sure it will be fine, but if I didn't freak out a little about social situations that were filled with people I don't know, I wouldn't be me.

On the upside, I don't think there will be as much drinking as the last bachelorette party I went to, because M is pregnant. Which is good, because I'm pretty sure my stomach couldn't take it. I only vaguely remember D's party - we basically did shots (and not good ones, either, but ridiculous "thematic" shots like blowjobs and slippery nipples; ugh) in every bar in Hoboken and picked up random boys (well, I did; D was engaged to be married, so she didn't). The thing I remember best, aside from the humongous hangover the next day, and the maid of honor's toolitude (don't even get me started; D was like, "I should have made you the maid of honor" and I was like, "Yes, yes, you should've."), is that I ended up with this awesome black Oakley baseball cap. I took it home and put it through the washing machine (I found it on the street), and wore the hell out of it. It was already worn in, and the bill had a sweet, lived-in curve, the way a baseball cap should. I lost it in the move, which still makes me sad, six years later. What? I get attached to things. I'm kind of a packrat. And it was an awesome hat.

+ The other major upside of this is that I get a ride out to my parents' tonight so I don't have to take the train out to my brother's tomorrow for the Mother's Day bbq. I still haven't gotten a gift for my mother, so I guess it will be an Amazon gift certificate again. My mother is one of those, "You don't have to get me anything," or "Whatever you want to get me is fine" people, which means we are always going, "Earrings? Clothes? But what does she want?" And usually my sister is pretty good at coming up with interesting and original gifts, but this year she's like, "I'm going to the nursery. Plants for everybody." Since I am a plant killer, that's probably not a good solution for me. Is this a mom thing? Because I find it really irritating. Because of course we are going to get her a gift for Mother's Day (or her birthday or Christmas or whatever); it's just much easier if she tells us what she wants! Why is that so hard?

+ I kind of want to see Iron Man again. And maybe write some more Tony/Pepper. I'm kind of overwhelmed by the response to the ficlet I posted the other night. Thank you all again. They totally are the new Josh/Donna. Sigh.


tv: the office, life, tl;dr, drinking

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