it's still seventeen percent

Apr 30, 2008 10:10

Oh my god, you guys, they've blocked here at work. This is... traumatic at best and catastrophic at worst. All my links! All my recs! All the stuff I want to read! All inaccessible from the place where I am nine hours a day! (cry for me and my ridiculous first world problems.)

Anyone got a similar but less well-known (and thus, unlikely to be blocked) bookmarking service to recommend, so I could at least start keeping track here, even if I don't import everything over? It doesn't have to be social - I just need a way to store links for reading and reccing, plus my poetry links, while I am here.

I discovered this is after it took three reboots to get my PC working properly this morning. I am not feeling the love, oh gods of technology. I am not feeling it at all!


We will not speak of last night's Rangers game.


There was fic last night!

Angel Maintenance
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; g; 1,018 words
"Your shadow," Sam says, pointing. "It's come loose."

Because, honestly, who is more Peter Pan than Dean Winchester? Sam and Dean are definitely Lost Boys (though Sam is Wendy here, which I also think fits). I dunno, I mentioned this idea to luzdeestrellas a while ago (i.e., that Dean's shadow's come unattached and Sam has to sew it back on), forgot about it, and then found the email and was like, 'Hey, I should write that!' And then I did. I like when it happens like that.

Also, I don't use this icon enough. I like this icon, but I always forget I have it. Pretty boys! In sunlight!


technology is not my friend, wtf?, my flist knows everything, the boy/boy melodrama

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