had not been swiping all that many

Apr 23, 2008 21:50

I got my period this afternoon, and then, this evening I proceeded to eat tonight's dinner, and then tomorrow night's dinner, because I was SO HUNGRY OMG. I am also SO TIRED OMG but I am hopeful that now I will actually get sleep that is restful. Stupid period. I ended up having to work late, which, I get paid for, but meh. Not that I took a nap tonight, because if I had, I don't think I'd have gotten out of bed until tomorrow morning. Which might have been good. Sigh.


Well, it looks like one good thing came out of yesterday's boobage: the Open Source Women Back Each Other Up Program.

I approve of this program.

When I was younger and used to go dancing frequently, I was always the one my friends would set between them and the handsy assholes who liked to play grabass on the dancefloor, because I was not - am not - afraid of using my elbows (and the heels of my stompy boots) for self-defense (I spent a good bit of time in mosh pits in my younger days), and though I tend to be fairly introverted, I would get up in people's faces if they were being assholes about touching girls who didn't want to be touched (I also spent a lot of time hanging out with frat guys and occasionally stepping in between them when they were going to start throwing punches at each other; perhaps I was not the wisest young!vic, but I had some good times). So, you know, yeah. This.


Portrait of the Rise

Paint the sun as a woman,
her flesh the aura of glory
bleached with the white of clouds.

Set her eyes wide apart
and color them with pale
gray dolphins rising for breath

Have the sun unbraid her hair
of amber-red over an ocean
of azurite mirrors.

Make a world where I could walk
if I were the kind of woman
who knew the shades of grace.

~Lise Whidden


national poetry month 2008, i fail at glee!, just a typical prototype

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