the calliope crashed to the ground

Apr 23, 2008 11:11

There's been some talk lately about feedback ( here, here, and here), and I keep kicking this post around in my head, debating whether I really want to get into it again or not. Obviously I decided I did, mostly so I could stop thinking about it and go back to thinking about the stories I want to write ( Read more... )

meta, on feedback

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tsuki_no_bara April 23 2008, 17:25:00 UTC
i leave feedback (which a lot of times is basically "i really liked this") because i want to get feedback. it's kind of like karma that way. i write original fic, so my audience is automatically smaller than if i wrote fanfic, but the idea's the same - if you want something from the universe, you give it back as well. (...that sounds kind of hippy-dippy woo-woo, but i hope you get the idea.) i comment on every fic i finish because i know how it feels to be the writer who really desperately wants to know if other people besides her actually liked her story, and the only way you're ever going to know is if someone tells you.

but no, it's not an obligation. a writer isn't obliged to write for his or her audience, and that audience isn't obliged to tell the writer what they think. but it's a nice and encouraging gesture if they do.

and as far as fandom goes, i don't write fic, i don't make vids or icons or graphics, i can't draw, i don't write meta, i don't think i'm qualified to run a fic or art challenge, i don't maintain an archives. but i comment. i gotta give something back, and that's it.


musesfool April 23 2008, 20:03:53 UTC
i leave feedback (which a lot of times is basically "i really liked this") because i want to get feedback. it's kind of like karma that way.

In the general scheme of things, this is one reason why I do it. It's also why I thank people for giving me feedback.

I don't comment on everything, but if I finished it and enjoyed it, I will probably say something (I very often leave the same kind of "I liked this!" feedback).

but i comment. i gotta give something back, and that's it.

*nod nod*

I think it's an awesome contribution.


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