whipped out the light and flowed into bed

Apr 15, 2008 10:25

We are approximately 50 stories down on remix. *whimper*

I am working on a pinch hit that will be AWESOME, though. I mean, if I can write it as awesome as it is in my head.

But I think this is the part I hate the most, where it's all out of my control and I just have to believe people will actually come through with their stories on the day they say they will.

It's hard! It goes against my nature to believe people will actually come through when they say they will! So it's crazy-making for me. But I will persevere.


Bones was on last night! I was very excited! I love Bones a surprising amount, really. Not in the OMG MY SHOW! way that I love SPN, or even the OMG MY TV GIRLFRIEND! way I love BSG, but just... I enjoy it tremendously. And I enjoyed last night's episode quite a bit. The double date with Sweets! Angela being all sporty! No takebacks! Bowling! *hearts* Am I the only one thinking they should hook Sweets up with Zach now that his fish-loving girlfriend has dumped him?

So that made me happy.


when you have forgotten Sunday: the love story

-And when you have forgotten the bright bedclothes on a Wednesday and a Saturday,
And most especially when you have forgotten Sunday-
When you have forgotten Sunday halves in bed,
Or me sitting on the front-room radiator in the limping afternoon
Looking off down the long street
To nowhere,
Hugged by my plain old wrapper of no-expectation
And nothing-I-have-to-do and I'm-happy-why?
And if-Monday-never-had-to-come-
When you have forgotten that, I say,
And how you swore, if somebody beeped the bell,
And how my heart played hopscotch if the telephone rang;
And how we finally went in to Sunday dinner,
That is to say, went across the front room floor to the ink-spotted table in the southwest corner
To Sunday dinner, which was always chicken and noodles
Or chicken and rice
And salad and rye bread and tea
And chocolate chip cookies-
I say, when you have forgotten that,
When you have forgotten my little presentiment
That the war would be over before they got to you;
And how we finally undressed and whipped out the light and flowed into bed,
And lay loose-limbed for a moment in the week-end
Bright bedclothes,
Then gently folded into each other-
When you have, I say, forgotten all that,
Then you may tell,
Then I may believe
You have forgotten me well.

~Gwendolyn Brooks


national poetry month 2008, tv: bones, diary of a mad mod

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