not trying to cause a big sensation

Feb 12, 2008 10:22

Dear management company:

Why is the hot water gone again? And why did it take the heat with it this time?

With the ridiculous rents we are all paying, why don't you just install a new boiler instead of repeatedly repairing one that is obviously on its last legs?

Plus! There was more banging last night all through the night. I think it might actually be the heat in the pipes - it sounds like someone is taking a crowbar to metal pipes, anyway, and every time I look out the window, there's nobody there. Back before the heat went off in December, the radiators used to make a very comforting burbling noise. I would like the clanging to go away and the burbling to come back, please.

You say you've got the contractors in! You say you're working on it, but I am skeptical.

Please get this fixed for good ASAP!




Dear SPN fandom:

Sam's eyes are not brown. Dean's hair is not blond (and even if it were, it would not be blonde with an E on the end of it). Please adjust the color on your TV/computer.

yours in technicolor,



Dear people who post fanfic:

Please include a summary in your headers! One line! Give me something! I don't care so much about warnings (especially if the pairing is listed), and I only care about the worksafe/not-worksafe thing on graphics/art, so I don't really care about ratings either, but a summary is important! It gives me some idea of what I'm getting into, and whether I want to or not. Even a vague pretentious summary or a quote from a song gives me some clue as to what it is I'm clicking on (or scrolling past).

summarily yours,



Dear works in progress:

One of you, any of you, please step up and demand to be finished! I don't know what to work on and I would like to write!

industriously yet indecisively yours,



Dear people reading this:

If anyone has a copy of the Beatles' "Yes It Is" to share, I would love you a lot.




winchesters, life, writing: on titles & summaries, i fail at glee!, my flist knows everything

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