fleurdeleo came over last night and we watched the highlights of SPN season 3, which meant Bad Day at Black Rock, Fresh Blood, and the Christmas episode, along with assorted scenes from Red Sky at Morning (tuxedos!) and Sin City (Dean and Casey bonding for the win).
This afternoon, I went out to get a bagel and discovered that they are covering the upper halves of the hallway walls in this utterly heinous orange and pink striped wallpaper. It's the kind of pink and orange stripe that even Jared Padalecki would refrain from wearing if it were a shirt, so you know it's pretty freaking bad. And the lower halves of the walls are still this really awful pumpkin orange color. It's so dark! And so hellaciously ugly. Honestly, ugly can't even BEGIN to describe it.
And! And! Over the summer they laid some fairly ugly carpeting down - the hallway used to be dark red and grey flagstone tile, but now it's this sort of burgundy/blue/gold that is downright restrained in comparison with this fugly wallpaper, and I just... I expect ugly carpeting, because unless you just get a solid color, patterned carpeting is generally ugly and busy and hurts the eye. Check out any hotel carpeting and you'll see what I mean. But they've taken my bright (if occasionally dinged and dirty) white walls and replaced them with this ugly, ugly wallpaper and I am traumatized.
I don't know who made this decision, but I think shooting them in the face is probably too good a punishment.