he has no fear about saying whatever he feels like saying

Jan 10, 2008 17:08

You guys, I know it's crass to talk about feedback, but the knitting story has 98 comments. It's been up a week. I have never in my time in fandom gotten that kind of a response to a story in that short a period of time. I don't even KNOW what to say. Except thank you. So, thank you.

I do know that writing is hard and I am having a hard time with it right now, as well as a number of other things, and I know it's just the usual January malaise (look back at January over the past few years and you'll see it's more of the same), but it's really messing with my head right now, because I have all these half-written stories that I am completely free to work on and all I want to do is read fic and there is not nearly enough of the kind of fic I want to read at the moment.

I guess I'm in an intake period? Normally, when choosing between reading and writing, I will choose writing. Now, I want to read.

What I really want is caper fic. Not enough people write caper fic. Heist fic. Danny and Rusty. Dean and Sam. Max and Alec. Locke and Jean. The crew of Serenity. Come on! Doesn't the possibility of hot thieves stealing ridiculously expensive stuff in absurdly complicated ways, with lots of banter (and the possibility of porn in enclosed spaces), turn your crank? 'Cause it sure turns mine.

All y'all should write some of that for me.


for More Joy Day, because lord knows, I need some joy right about now (though I'm sure I'm doing it wrong), and I like this idea, snurched from killabeez:

The first ten people to comment with a charity (links most welcome), I will donate $10 to that charity in the next two months.


more joy day, i fail at glee!, you should totally write that

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