crown you in my heart

Dec 31, 2007 16:47

There's been fic in the past few days:

The Lame Duck Congress
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; g; 800 words
Dean hates downtime.

This was originally part of the year in the life story that got jossed and ended up being cannibalized for parts after I wrote The Calendar Hung Itself, which appropriated the structure and went in a completely different direction. This was February, in that original story, and they were somewhere in Oregon, I think. *g*

The Wedding
The West Wing; Josh/Donna; pg; 390 words
"You do look good in a tux. And I looked fantastic in my dress."

I guess it's kind of cheating to write West Wing fic for this endeavor (though for certain titles I think it will be inevitable), but I really love Josh/Donna, even though I haven't actually written any kind of lengthy stories about them, and so this happened.

Greater Than the Sum of Their Parts
Supernatural; Sam/Dean; adult; 8,120 words
"Why would you just take some dead girl's arms? They're not even a really fun part."

this was for spn_holidays, and though the plot nearly defeated me on various occasions, I triumphed. I'd had the idea for a long while - I'm actually surprised the show hasn't done an episode using this particular type of MOTW - and I was really excited to finally write it, and I really like how it turned out. I had to frontload the sex, and hopefully make it integral to the emotional arc of the story, because I have this problem where I start out wanting to write Wincest and the story comes out gen, and vice versa, and since it was for a request, which specified Sam/Dean, I didn't want to write the whole thing and discover that it was actually gen. Which happens to me more often than you'd think. Possibly because I tend to think the sex is just... icing. I don't really care whether they are having it or not, because they love each other so much, it doesn't matter, it often doesn't add anything, and sometimes it detracts. Strangely enough - possibly because of how much time I've spent writing established/reconnecting couples (e.g., Sirius/Remus; Danny/Rusty; Alexander/Hephaistion)? - I find it a lot easier to write established Wincest when there's a casefile involved. I can write first time stories, but I find them much more difficult, for whatever reason.


I am so far behind on all things LJ- and email-related that I am granting myself some amnesty - I will answer all the fb comments and stuff, but everything else might just end up in the trash. I've been on the longest vacation l've had since I started working at BEMC, but my inbox has exploded (in a good way, totally), and I don't feel like I am ever going to catch up, and I don't want to start the new year like that. I still have a ton of tabs open with yuletide stories to read. Sigh.

Speaking of starting the new year, I'll do my own yearly writing recap tomorrow, after yuletide authors are revealed, but I've been enjoying reading yours. But here's my December round-up:

technically, some of these were written in November, but I'm not gonna sweat it. They were all posted in December.

December 2007 writing round up

Atlanta Never Looked the Same
Friday Night Lights/Supernatural; Tyra (Sam and Dean); pg; vague spoilers through the current season of both, to be safe; 8,550 words
Tyra's never been the kind of girl who looks back.

Santa Baby
Supernatural; girl!Sam/Dean; au; adult; 845 words
Dean says, "It's Christmastime," like she could possibly forget while she's holding a damn Santa nightie in her hands.

Harry Potter; Remus/Sirius; pg; 521 words
"Come back to bed, Sirius. I'm too old and decrepit to be rolling about on the floor."

In Excelsis Deo
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; pg; spoilers for 3.08; 1410 words
Nothing says love like a fleecy hoodie.

Firefly; River; g; 138 words
Flying is like dancing.

The Bionic Woman; Sarah/Jaime; adult; 511 words
Jaime likes to pretend they're not the same.

The Lame Duck Congress
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; g; 800 words
Dean hates downtime.

Swiss Diplomacy
The Catcher in the Rye; Phoebe/Holden; pg-13; 1,940 words
It's Holden, and he's always tried to look out for her in his way.

The Wedding
The West Wing; Josh/Donna; pg; 390 words
"You do look good in a tux. And I looked fantastic in my dress."

Greater Than the Sum of Their Parts
Supernatural; Sam/Dean; adult; 8,120 words
"Why would you just take some dead girl's arms? They're not even a really fun part."

[mystery yuletide story]


and now I have to run out and pick up a pizza. Sigh.


monthly writing roundup, all shall love me and despair

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