eagles out of time-outs

Dec 09, 2007 16:07

I love this meme.

1. Go to the Wikipedia home page and click random article. That is your band's name.
2. Click random article again; that is your album name.
3. Click random article 15 more times; those are the tracks on your album.

Band: Heterixalus
Album: A. P. Indy

Track Listing:
1. Slab-O-Concrete
2. Gildone
3. Brenz
4. Offshore company
5. Bart the Mother
6. Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument
7. Khilji dynasty
8. Paul Merwart
9. Loose Tubes
10. Fermi Paradox
11. you (Kumi Koda song)
12. Back to My Roots
13. Anatol Stern
14. Enteropathy
15. Vouga

Huh. I bet we were a Tool cover band who branched out into writing our own songs, which contained both pop and high culture references, and a lot of science. It's all a little too prog-rock for me.


So I tore my apartment apart looking for the Gilmore Girls season 2 dvds I apparently don't own. I am not sure why I was convinced I did own them, but if I do, they have slipped into a black hole somewhere, because I can't find them, and there's no record of them in my Amazon list of orders. I found season 1, but I have a reall strong memory of the blue season 2 box and yet... So I just ordered it, and seasons 3 and 4 as well, which is where the show ends in my universe. With Luke and Lorelai kissing. *waves hands* I completely disregard the stupid Rory-sleeps-with-married!Dean storyline, so maybe I can stop hating both of them at some point. I love Luke and Lorelai too much to retain my hate if I ignore season 6-7, so I think "Raincoats and Recipes" is a good ending point.

This is also one reason I have been contemplating a John Winchester-Emily Gilmore conversation, which if I think about it too long, also turns into Lorelai/Dean W. and a casefile. So possibly I will ignore it. But John Winchester and Emily Gilmore would have A LOT to talk about regarding reconciling with estranged children and paying (or not) for college.


I also reorganized the playlists on my iPod. I realize that I am odd and that my preference for one large 'favorites' playlist and a handful of smaller writing playlists, and everything else simply sorted into playlists alphabetically by artist is not the way most people would do it. But it works for me, and I tried having lots of little playlists and stuff, but I was uncomfortable with it, because I couldn't find things. My way, I can find things.


Hee! I made a meme. Thank you for saying such lovely things.


Good god, the Giants are going to kill me. Fucking turnovers. Whew.


sports, tv: gilmore girls, memes, sometimes i scare myself

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