it's okay to show yourself some love

Nov 21, 2007 22:52

Pushing Daisies

Oh SHOW! NO FAIR! "Morning Has Broken" ALWAYS makes me cry, and then Ellen Greene singing it and the aunts returning to the pool, even with the cheesy animation so the actresses didn't actually have to swim with those things on their heads, made me all teary.

In other news, Emerson continues to be MADE OF AWESOME. He smells of MONEY and YARN.

Cup-pies! What other people might call, you know, tarts. With honey baked into the crust. Tasty. Mmm...pie... I kind of love how PIE = LOVE for Ned. because it does!


I am at the parents' for Thanksgiving, and there is PIE (not that I've had any yet. sigh.) and STUFFING and in the morning there will be BACON and PIE and did I mention the PIE? I am sensing a theme in this entry. Heh.

So I will use my new Chuck from "Pushing Daisies" icon, made by slodwick and keyworded "pie = love." Because it SO DOES.


I am really digging Mary J. Blige's new song, the one from the iPod commercial. I may have listened to it four or five times today on my commute. If I can find a blank CD, I will share.


pie = love, tv: pushing daisies

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