by the sharp lapels of your checkered coat

Nov 18, 2007 11:54

I woke up this morning with Sit Down, You're Rocking the Boat in my head and I figured if I were earwormed, the rest of you should be as well.

And while I was looking for the song in my iTunes, I discovered that J.K. Simmons was in that production of Guys and Dolls. People, my mind is officially blown. Also, I found an awesome picture of him and Allison Janney on imdb. I guess they're in a movie together soon? they make a very snazzy looking couple, I must say.


I spent all day yesterday sitting on my couch writing a story that no one will read, but that's okay. Today I might work on my spn_holidays story, or possibly the sekrit incest baby reunionating. Which is the only part of that I'm actually writing, I think. I mean, I am still going to write a girl!Sam incest baby story, but it won't be a SEKRIT baby, because I can't bring myself to actually separate them for four years, and I don't want Dean missing out on all the stuff that goes along with having a baby. SHUT UP. I don't even know how this happened, but I now apparently have two AUs of my AU in which Sam is a girl and has a baby. *facepalm* This is what SPN has done to me. AU genderswap hetcest BABY fic. *weeps* My id is a scary, scary place. Most people would simply consign these stories to their hard drives, never to see the light of day, but not me! Not if I can make them work. I keep telling myself, at least it's not assbabies. *shakes head*


sekrit incest baby, i am okay with that!

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