will nature make a man of me yet?

Sep 26, 2007 22:14

So I watched Reaper. It was kind of adorable. the verdict: Thumbs up. Will watch again. They really do have to stop naming characters "Sam," though. It gets confusing.

Then I watched Bionic Woman. The revised pilot didn't change my opinion.

The creepy doctor boyfriend is still creepy, and the fact that she went back and slept with him creeps me right the fuck out. I wanted her to snap his neck, and then run off and have hot sex with Sarah Corvus. I mean, really. If this show were about Jamie and Sarah being hot and rageful and lesbionic (sorry!) together, committing crime and saving the world, with Will Yun Lee and Miguel Ferrer as their vaguely nefarious bosses, and Badger and Chief ... around, I would totally watch.

As it is... not so much.


So work went nuts at about 3pm this afternoon, and I was running around like a crazy person trying to get a bunch of documents signed, scanned, copied, and delivered. I don't talk much about work here, mostly because I have a very boring, very quiet job, but there have been things going on that I've found stressful recently, and that makes me anxious. I am going to try to write, to finish this porn that was supposed to be fast and easy and, of course, hasn't been, and then maybe I will go to bed early. Sigh.


tv: reaper, work, tv: bionic woman

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