The End

Aug 16, 2007 17:42

So this morning I got up at 6:30 am and at 7 piled into the car with my sister and her family (well, not so much car as very large Nissan Pathfinder) and rode out to Montauk. I'd never been there before, despite living here my whole life, and despite the fact that my parents used to go there on vacation every year twice a year for a long, long time. Because my father made a point of telling my b-i-l about it, we even drove past the place they used to stay, aka, the Panoramic View, which is right next door to Gurney's, which is the place most people mention when they talk about vacationing at Montauk (though I'm not sure I've ever spoken to anyone who's actually stayed there - it's not cheap, afaik).

We went to breakfast at the Plaza and walked around the main strip a little, looking in all the tourist shops (my niece bought a skim board because she's just that extreme, which became a running joke of the day, as she's really, really not) and I took a picture of this sign, which I thought was hilarious (and which my parents, upon seeing it, were like, 'Oh god, that sign's been there for at least twenty years!').

Then we headed over to the lighthouse, which opens at 10:30.

We walked around on the rocks for a bit, while waiting for the lighthouse to open, and then my niece and nephew and I climbed to the top (my sister and b-i-l had been there already and didn't want to go up again).

Going up wasn't so bad, but coming down... I am not claustrophobic, but those spiral stairs in that narrow space did not please me. But it was really cool to be up at the top:

Montauk Lighthouse.

After that, we drove around some more, went to Gosman's and didn't eat there but I had a pretzel and a Gatorade from the hot dog truck and they had a couple of hot dogs, and then we started the traffic-filled drive home.

It was lovely. The sun was out for most of the day, and it was warm, but not excessively so.

Then I came home and took a nap. *g*


I posted fic last night!

Double Vision
Supernatural; Dean, Sam, girl!Sam (implied Dean/girl!Sam); pg; 3,266 words
"I've got this girl here. She says she's you."

I...have a lot to say about this story, which probably nobody but me cares about, so I will blather in another entry later.

In other writing news, the harlequin is at 11,640 words, and the big action scene is commencing. God help us all. I should go work on that. But first I will catch up on the old flist.



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