only love can make it rain

Jul 23, 2007 10:18

You know, I have many diehard Snape fans on my flist and f-of-list, and you know I like all y'all lots and lots but *puts on own crazy hardcore OTP tinhat* seriously, and I do mean seriously, Remus is with Sirius in the afterlife. Sorry. He just is. Possibly with Tonks in for a threesome occasionally, since she's the mother of his child and Sirius likes her just fine, and more probably in some kind of open arrangement to switch off with James and Lily, but Snape in no way factors into any of that. Sorry. Not in my version of the HP afterlife. Mileage, obviously, varies. but I am right and you are wrong la la la rain of blood and toads

I'd forgotten how twitchy Snupin makes me - I've written it a handful of times, but I just don't believe it and never will. And don't even want to. Obviously, a lot of people are focusing on Snape after the events in Deathly Hallows, and while I was glad to see him finally get some vindication, I still think he was a pretty lousy person, even if he was a hero, and I will never forgive his treatment of Harry and Neville (and Hermione in book 4). You know, I'm not even sure it's the Snupin so much as it is the Snape adoration that drives me up a wall when I venture into less... Sirius- me-friendly parts of LJ.

I'd also forgotten that crazy OTP feeling, that kneejerk 'NO NO NO' when people split your pairing up, and was mostly able to ignore it in reading the book because Remus/Tonks was so obviously fucked up and/or badly written, and you know, Sirius has been dead for a while now, so I'm used to it.

But I think the book's short shrifting of Sirius yet again plus all the chatter about Snape (at least he was killed by a snake. I am still not over Sirius's death by drapery. You can't top that for ridiculous and pointless.) has really rubbed the wrong way at my Remus/Sirius shipping heart, and I know mileage varies and all that, and I try to never piss in anyone else's cornflakes or slag off on other people's ships, except you know, in a very tongue-in-cheek, acknowledging my own crazy OTP tendencies way, but I just had to get that out there.

*deep breath*

I feel better now. And I really do like all you mostly sane Snape fans a lot. It's just our particular insanities in this particular instance are mostly incompatible.


In other news, the universe hates me.

Example 347982717327:
Plumbing troubles at my parents' house last night resulted in an upstairs toilet that didn't flush, which necessitated using the downstairs toilet where all the spiders live. While I have my period.

Example 347982717328:
We have this new attendance system here at BEMC to record our time and the thing JUST WON'T LOAD for me. We'll leave aside the part where they offered no training and no instruction on how it works, and concentrate on the part where three out of four times it doesn't work at all. And it's making me a little tetchy this morning, since I have to actually use it. Grar.

Oh! And Example 347982717329:
I cannot send email from squirrel mail. It bounces and tells me a bunch of stuff I don't understand. I can send from horde, but not squirrel. This displeases me, because up until Saturday at about 2am, squirrel worked fine.


technology is not my friend, hp, deathly hallows, i am okay with that!, otp/shipping

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