into this house we're born

Jul 10, 2007 09:42

Before anyone asks again, yes, thanks, it is hot enough for me. *rolls eyes* Look, I am all for discussing the weather with people I don't know very well, because I am very bad at small talk, and it's a generally safe topic with random co-workers in the elevator, but do we have to do it in clichés?


I haven't heard from my spn_summergen recipient at all, and it's been a while now since my story was posted. Sigh. I checked her LJ and she doesn't appear to have updated in a while, so maybe she's just on vacation or something, but still, it makes me sad, because I ended up really liking the story I wrote. Though it is not, perhaps, the story anyone, least of all me, expected out of that particular prompt. Heh.


Okay, people, last night I dreamt of Dr. Who. There was a lot of running around and things exploding.

And then I dreamt about being on some horrifying (for me) reality show which was like "American Idol" for stand-up comedians (but it wasn't "Last Comic Standing" - it was more like they tried to teach you how to do stand-up), and everyone traveled around in a bus, and I had to wear this horrifying bright orange polo shirt. It was the color of a safety cone! And they kept trying to make me go on stage and I wouldn't! It was awful!

Then I woke up and wondered why I was getting dreams that obviously do not belong to me! I don't even watch Dr. Who! Where are my Winchesters, or my Coach Taylor dreams? If you dreamt about them last night, that was *my* dream! Sigh. At least David Tennant is attractive.

And then I couldn't get back to sleep again. Meh. The whole not-sleeping thing is going to get old really fast.


I am trying to have some kind of fic done for my birthday, but the not-sleeping thing is making it hard to write. Sigh.


I will stop complaining now, I think. At least my bagel isn't stale this morning.


tl;dr, don't make me shoot you, dreams

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