many times i've lied and many times i've listened

Jun 25, 2007 11:11

I have had two epiphanies today, and it is not even eleven am. I consider this a successful day. Can I go home now?

Epiphany 1: I slept terribly this weekend, and since my big plan was to, um, sleep, that made me very cranky. I woke up yet again about an hour before my alarm went off, and finally said, 'fuck this, I'm shutting the window and putting the air conditioner on.' And I did, and I had the best hour's sleep possibly of my entire life. The heat doesn't bother me during the day, but obviously, I cannot sleep if I am too warm, and I know this. I don't know why I thought it had changed, but it hasn't, and I am a moron for not realizing it sooner.

Epiphany 2: When participating in an anonyfest, if one does not have an interesting summary on one's story, one's story does not get read (or at least, commented on), so if one's summaries are less hooky and more quirky, one is usually SOL in anonymous situations. In other words, I always forget that my method of choosing summaries doesn't work for a lot of readers, even if my stories might (my stories don't work for a lot of readers either, but that's a different, though probably not unrelated, thing), and that without my name to reassure people (or tell them to stay away), my stories often cannot stand on their summaries (though I think I'm good at titles now that I steal them from other people's poetry or lyrics *g*). I am torn about this, because I like my summaries, they work *for me*, because I am my ideal reader (I was just complaining yesterday that I would like all the stories I am writing to be finished now, because I want to read them all), but obviously you all are not me, and therein lies the rub.


More from Friday's poll:

jengrrrl wanted me to talk about her birthday!

I hope you had a good one! I've known you for a long time now--your XMM stories were some of the first I ever read (god, it's almost seven years, can you believe it?), and I've always enjoyed knowing you, and liked and admired your writing.


allyoops wanted me to talk about pie

Mmm...pie... Love me some pie. My parents make a most AWESOME apple crumb pie that is the standard to which I judge all other apple pies (and none have ever measured up); key lime pie is my favorite non-chocolate non-ice cream dessert, and it's often hard to find good key lime pie, but when it's good, it's heavenly. I think my eyes just rolled back in my head thinking about it. I would go all the way back to Minnesota even if hwmitzy and chicklet_girl didn't live there just to go to Betty's Pies again. OMG SO GOOD.

Metaphorically, in my stories, pie often represents love, because baking a pie is often a labor of love, and it's a handy, tasty symbol to use - it's delicious, warm, and made (or bought, or scammed) with love.

And I've just been handed a bunch of powerpoint slides and an expense report, so I'll leave you with the image of really excellent apple crumb pie topped with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream... Sigh...


flove, writing: on titles & summaries, pie = love, i am okay with that!, writing: ficathons

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