three hundred sixty-five degrees

Jun 07, 2007 10:15

I am feeling pretty off and miserable today - the acid reflux is acting up - but I have to say, reading all the entries about Jared going to see Jensen's play makes me want to draw big pink sparkly hearts around them both. I swear to god, this fandom has turned me into a giddy thirteen-year-old girl. It's ridiculous, and yet I can't stop it. ♥ ♥ ♥


That icon meme, seen everywhere, most recently at copracat's:

Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance does it have.

I have 137 uploaded so there are 14 icons beneath the cut.

keyword: bitchy; made by fox1013 for me
This is from the opening of "Bewitched" and seriously, Samantha Stevens is made of awesome. You’ll notice the font is the HP font. I forget why I wanted this icon - I’ve had it for ages now, but Fox was kind enough to make it when I asked. I don’t use it as often as I should. I am always afraid people will think my bitchy icons are directed at them, instead of commentary on whatever it is I’m actually saying. More tv shows should have cartoon versions of their characters in the opening credits.

keywords: otp, R/S, romantic; art and cropping by linnpuzzle
Remus/Sirius = OTP of my heart. Sigh.

keywords: Faith, whatever
I made this! Um, it’s just some kind of pink illumination effect to make the trailer she’s leaning against all iridescent, but I think it’s pretty. And it’s Faith. Looking sexy and vulnerable and kickass all at once. I almost always have had a Faith icon in rotation, because she is awesome.

keyword: zen
I made this one, too, just a crop from Ocean’s 12, of Danny from behind, sunglasses on. It’s kind of serene. Well, really, it's more of an "I am barely holding onto my zen" than an actual zen icon, though, I think.

keywords: contemplative, goddess; made by nopejr for me
I really like Jodie Foster - Silence of the Lambs is one of my all-time favorite movies - and I thought this was a gorgeous picture of her, and wanted an icon, and when I asked, nopejr provided.

keyword: doer of wonderful deeds; made by slodwick
Oh, Danny... Does anyone NOT love Dan Rydell? Wait, I don’t think I want to know you if you don’t. Anyway, I am pretty sure I’ve got the quote wrong - I can’t remember now what he actually says, but I’ve always thought of him as Dan Rydell, doer of wonderful deeds, and I’ve had an icon with that keyword for nearly as long as I’ve had my LJ, though the icons themselves have changed.

keywords: hopeful, mal/zoe, Our two souls therefore which are one
I made this one, from a cap from "Out of Gas," and it's the scene where Mal first shows Serenity to Zoe and it’s all about hope for the future, so it's my hopeful icon. And also my Mal/Zoe (or Mal and Zoe, depending) icon, and of course, the quote from “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning.” I do think Mal cannot function without Zoe, and that post-movie, Zoe is never leaving the ship, that they are so much a part of each other that other people aren’t really necessary, though it’s nice that they’re around.

keywords: down to zero, sad eyes crooked crosses; made by oxoniensis
At some point lost to the misty passage of time, I stopped using simple names or emotions as icon keywords, and started using quotes, and both keywords on this icon are quotes from songs - "down to zero" is Joan Armatrading, and "sad eyes, crooked crosses" comes from "In God's Country" by u2, and this icon (and another by Signe which is keyworded "in god’s country") reminds me very much of "The Joshua Tree," and Dean certainly has had sad eyes on many occasions. Sigh. Oh, Dean.

keyword: don’t you know daddy’s coming; made by lady_Octavia
The keyword comes from "Rosalita," and of course, it’s Papa Winchester, who I'd be on like white on rice if the opportunity arose. I love his little smile there.

keyword: suddenly have to burn
I made this; actually, I made another version with text on it, from whence the (misquoted) keyword comes "I want matches, in case I have to suddenly burn" from the song "Want" by Recoil. I made a whole set of SPN icons with lyrics from that song because it is terribly fitting for the show. But I like the starkness of this. Dean + fire = OTP. Another icon I forget I have, and should use more often.

keywords: are you thinking what i'm thinking, glee, he doesn't understand our love; made by amberlynne
This is from "Bloodlust," the scene where we see how much Dean loves his car ("listen to her purr"), and how indulgently amused Sam is by that love. I love that Dean calls the car "baby" more than words can possibly express. It makes me all melty. I use this icon a lot, because it makes me happy.

keywords: matt/julie, that teenage feeling; made by oxoniensis
Because they are SO CUTE and so adorably fumbly and in dewy-eyed teenage first love! *hearts*

keywords: friday night lights, het yay!
I wanted an icon that wasn’t one of the same two or three shots of Coach and Mrs. Coach that I’d been seeing around at that time, so I made this one. Coach and Mrs. Coach = OTP! I ::heart:: them so much I can’t even tell you. They are so adorable together!

keywords: this one’s gonna hurt like hell; made by oxoniensis
*sniffle* From the end of AHBL1. Keyword from "Hold On" by Sarah McLachlan. Oh, boys... I haven't used this one much yet, as it's spoilery, but it breaks my heart. Sigh...


canadians hate jensen ackles, memes: icons, memes

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