i am scattering like light

May 23, 2007 23:15

R. and I went to see Waitress this evening. It stars Keri Russell and Nathan Fillion, and I wrote about it here last month. It was lovely - sweet and wistful and funny and tense, and it featured some of the most gorgeous looking pies I've ever seen in my life.

Oh my god, it makes me want pie so badly.

It's the story of a woman trapped by circumstances - she's married to a nasty, abusive control freak, she's just found out she's pregnant, and she doesn't have enough money to run away and start fresh.

She doesn't want the baby, and she finds solace in baking pies (both sweet and savory) and in an affair with her OB-GYN, played by Nathan Fillion, who is adorably neurotic in the role.

Keri Russell blooms and glows in this movie, and the whole thing is a lovely fairy tale confection with some serious dark undertones - Earl, the abusive husband, is menacing and there were numerous times I was really scared something terrible would happen, even though it's not the kind of movie where terrible things happen, it's the kind of movie that never forgets that terrible things could.

I feel like I should be able somehow to tie that into what happened to Adrienne Shelly, who wrote and directed and co-stars as Dawn, but I can't think of a way to do it that doesn't sound glib or inane, so I won't.

Anyway, I totally recommend this movie. It was adorable and I kind of loved it a lot. Plus, there is pie, lovely, delicious pie, both as itself, and also as a metaphor for love.

I really should have a pie icon.


So there was fic this afternoon:

Amid the Bruises and the Red Lights
Supernatural; girl!Sam/Dean; adult; AU; 2,205 words; spoilers through AHBL2
It's the oldest trick in the book, and she'll do it if it keeps him with her.

Sadly, there is no pie, but there is a very determined Sam and... this story ambushed me last night; I still haven't finished the atmospheric emoporn I thought I would have done by today (it is almost done, I think - I had the ending figured out, but I was at work and the phone rang, and when I was done taking a long, pointless message, it was gone. Sigh. Well, the verbiage to make it work was gone. The idea lingers; it's just a question of how to write it without being horribly anvilicious on the one hand or too oblique on the other. Sigh. I hate when I lose verbiage. It makes me crazy.), which I was planning to work on last night when this story just decided it needed to be written. Girl!Sam is quite demanding, and I, like Dean, am helpless before her. I sat down at midnight and by 2:30 am had the draft ready for beta. This morning I added another 500 words or so, and I really like how it turned out.

I suppose at some point I'm going to have to give in and admit that the girl!Sam stories are related, because I use the same background for them as developed in "Beggars Would Ride" (not that you need to have read that to understand the other stories), but right now I am not quite admitting that, because it would mean luzdeestrellas is pointing and laughing at me, even though she's actually co-written one of the stories, and the others have all been written (or are being written, in the case of the wsip) with her enthusiastic encouragement.

Now I am going to try to work on the emoporn. We'll see if it gets done tonight, or if I fall asleep instead.


pie = love, girl!sam, movies

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