So after weeks of bitching about how horribly slow LJ has been, how it's been hanging and timing out and just not loading pages, I finally put in a support ticket.
an hour later, things seem to be loading as they should be. I am willing to bet this is just the universe fucking with me.
I did get about 100 comments answered today, and did two betas, and answered a little bit of email, not to mention some actual work-related work, so I was productive in a non-writing way. I keep looking at possible challenges to sign up for, but I can't bring myself to do it. I end up resenting the deadlines and always end up wanting to work on other things.
"Why do you keep running back to him?" "He's my brother." Aw, Peter.
Also? the Peter/Claire was vibing tonight. I swear, there were one or two times I thought he was actually going to kiss her, and when he brushed his hand down her cheek when she was crying? Man.
I loved the scene with Peter, Claire and Nathan together.
Also? What is it with people on tv handing guns to their family members and saying, "You might have to kill me." I mean, seriously? He's asking Claire to put one shot in the back of his head? How do you even ask that of someone, even to save the world? Let alone a 16yo girl you barely know (and yet have incredibly hot chemistry with)?
I cannot believe they are trying to make Sylar sympathetic by giving him a bad mommy who doesn't love him because he's not special. Seriously? And he sees killing other mutants as useful because it gives him more powers, but killing millions of innocent people is wrong and he can't see a use in it, so he can't understand why he'd do it. Interesting.
I'm glad Micah tried to escape, but I find it ridiculous that he couldn't tell what's her name wasn't his mother.
I do like Mama Petrelli, but she scares the hell out of me.