Oh, Dean...
Doesn't he realize he's not wearing his amulet?
Oh, Dean.
the way he is with Mary... god.
This episode made me cry repeatedly - when he's first hugging Mary and telling her she's beautiful, and then again when he visits John's grave and is all, "Why do WE have to sacrifice?" And wow, he did a pretty spot on channelling of JDM there. And the ending. I was so scared he was going to have to stab Mary or Sam with that bloody knife, but then he stabs himself. "I'm pretty sure. [beat] Well, I'm 90% sure." Oh, Dean...
And they restaged the fight from the pilot! It was exactly the same! How awesome is that?!
All through it, I was like, "Wow, Dean is a pretty shitty guy, that sucks," and you could tell how hurt he was that he and Sam weren't close (and how much he wanted to fix that), and yet Sam is still the best little brother ever when he gets in the car and is like, "I'm going with you."
Oh, boys...
Of course, that turns out to be the djinn trying to keep Dean from getting into its business, but whatever. Sam!
I was a little disappointed, actually, that Dean was apparently a heavy drinker who didn't give a rat's ass about his family. I wonder if that was his brain's way of making it not totally ideal (and also John being dead. Oh, JDM, why were you not available?) I notice when he was telling Sam about it, he mentioned Mary and Jess and Sam, but didn't tell Sam anything about his own situation.
[eta] a couple people in the comments mention that it's possibly Dean's own self-perception coming through there, maybe, and that without hunting to ground him, he sees himself as a screwup. Everyone else is happy and doing great, and he's still broken. Oh, Dean... [/eta]
It was so sad that his dream girlfriend - a nurse! *hearts* - was a model in a beer ad.
I love that they continue to show Dean as someone who LOVES his food. "Best sandwich ever," was hilarious. And the lawn-mowing. *hearts* SO ADORKABLE! Plus! The Ramones! Or Joey, anyway. *hearts*
But when he was like, "We've lost so much, sacrificed so much," and Sam was like, "but it's worth it." Complete reversal of roles.
And "I take it we weren't--" "No." "I'm glad we are." OH BOYS. *sniffle* I'm getting teary just thinking about it.
And "Bitch!" "What are you calling me a bitch for?" "You're supposed to say jerk." "What?" "Never mind." Oh, boys....
He calls the car "baby" again. *swoons* "We're civilians, baby." eeeeeeeeeee! *hearts*
Mostly, all I can say about this episode is, "Oh, Dean." IT WAS SO FREAKING AWESOME I CAN'T TAKE IT.
I am pretty broken up, and I need to watch it again and again. *whimper*