if i ever get out of here

May 02, 2007 11:33


How do people do this!? (only the interrobang can convey my frustration right now)

I've just figured out how to make the casefile part of this story work better - it involves rearranging the order of scenes, which, fine. Be that way. I hate doing it, but I know it'll make the story better, so I will do it.


Doing that means I have to also move a conversation that is important to the characterization/relationship part of the story, which works better where it is currently situated.

The obvious solution is to come up with a second conversation that can slot in earlier so I can keep the one that's later where it is, but I am completely blanking on that. So now I am kind of stuck in neutral - can't go forward until I fix what comes before, and can't figure out how to fix the earlier part so I can keep going forward.


Also, and I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I think I am allergic to the flowers my bosses got me for Admin Asst's day. I am all itchy throat all the time since they arrived, and the scent - lovely in small doses - is making my sinuses hurt. But they are still too fresh to be rid of without comment, unless I mime taking them home and then just dump the flowers on the way. But that feels rude and ungrateful, so I cannot do it.



writing: neuroses, writing: my stories, writing: structure, don't make me shoot you

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